Troops Meeting

Tonight's meeting was so good. I left there feeling cleansed and refreshed. During prayer the Lord led me to Proverbs 2:1 "My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you so that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding." Verse 6: "From His mouth came knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 3:19 "The Lord by wisdom founded the earth. By understanding He established the heavens" We have been talking about how we talk, what we speak and taking back what has been stolen. Our words are so important. Each of these verses points to us taking action. If you receive my words, action is implied. To receive it you must read it, hear it, speak it and treasure it to the point that His word is all we hear and to apply His word is to speak His word. His spoken word brings knowledge and understanding v6 says it came from His mouth! By His wisdom and His understanding he founded the earth and established the heavens. What are we establishing when we speak? What have our words founded? I looked up these words and here's what I discovered: Founded: to consolidate; to bring together, to unite, to make whole Established: to be firm, faithful, true, to trust, to sieze, fix, prepare, take hold of, lean upon, to strengthen up, to confirm. I believe that when we apply the Word of God to our situations and speak them and believe what we speak we are in fact bringing heaven to earth. We are establishing the spoken Word of God. We are becoming of one mind and one body (united). We are siezing the things the enemy had held captive and the Word of God will straighten up our lost loved ones. He will fix and repair them and make them whole! A commentary in my Bible says wisdom is not just God's posession, but His tool.


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