Today when I got to work there was a message on the answering machine. A customer proceeds to go on and on with profanity tucked in between every two or three words about his anger at us because his #$%@ gate code will not work and how mad he is at us that we lied because he is not able to get in after office hours and blah, blah, blah. I reviewed the gate reports and sure enough he tried to get in, but he was putting in the wrong code , he was one number off. I love it when it's not our fault. I promptly returned his call and said "hello, this is Rhonda at Stor & Lok and I understand you had a problem with your code over the weekend" (snickering under my breath) Yes I did and so did another car but they got it to work and then my code started working. "Yes Mr. @#$& I noticed on my code report that when you used the right code it began to work. " He began to clear his throat and then profusely apologize for the foul message he left proclaiming he w...
Showing posts from May, 2009