I recently heard from my first husband after hearing nothing for 34 years. It was a bad break up. He cheated many times and then ask for a divorce. I was only 18 and it absolutely crushed me and my dreams. He contacted me to be a friend on Facebook and I accepted . We wrote back and forth after exchanging emails and I told him I forgave him. While it is true that I did forgive him, I have come to realize that the past is always the past. We no longer know one another and apparently I never knew him. The only thing we have in common now is the past. It is a painful place and it can only take me back to where I have already been. It is buried and digging up stinking and rotting things only leaves an undesirable foul stench in my nostrils. So I unfriended him after catching him in a lie. I made a choice that was good for me. I usually do whatever I think will make the other person happy even if it makes me miserable. Today I stretched and grew a little. I h...
Showing posts from December, 2012