AWAKE A few weeks ago I traveled out of town. Just a three hour drive but long stretches of highway and sometimes being the only vehicle on the road. At times a vehicle would speed past me and shake me from my lull for a moment. There is a phrase I heard recently called “highway hypnosis”. Here is the Wikipedia definition: Highway hypnosis , also known as white line fever, is a mental state in which a person can drive a truck or other automobile great distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. I realize I have at times lived my life this way. Just going through the motions, doing what is expected of me without any conscious awareness of what it is doing to me. I can “drive” for hundreds of miles (weeks, months, years) mesmerized by the white lines. I’ve often said referring to certain routes, “I have traveled this route so many times I could drive it bl...