
Showing posts from October, 2007

Vaughn Clark

Tuesday night God spoke through Vaughn Clark with the following message: "You need to breath fresh air in the Spirit. Take a deep breathe. Your one of those ladies that when you came in, you came in. And it was like here I am, your what I've got and I'm going with you Jesus. Don't let the enemy disappoint you and take you down. Don't let him put you off to the side. You have got to learn to walk in peace with people and do what you do because God has told you to do it. Be grateful for encouragement you have from other people, but don't let hindrances from other people stop you. You just be on about it. You have to be constant and immovable in the work of the Kingdom. When you've got help and encouragement from others, thank God for it, but when you have blockages from other people don't let it wear you out. You just go on about your Father's business ."

New vs Old

I was just thinking about when you get something new, when does it become old. Does a new car still seem new after the new car smell is gone? Does having a newborn wear off after the 5 th dirty diaper or the 50 th ? How do you go from being I can't keep my hands off you in love to don't even think about breathing the same air as me? When will I or did I become old ? Remember being a new Christian, everything was exciting and expected. So believeable . I couldn't wait to tell people about Jesus and I couldn't get enough church. Even as I type this blog, it is getting old. The Bible is old, yet in it there is a fresh revelation, a refreshing of the Spirit. God says, "That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun." Ecc . 1:9 Lam. 3:22 says His mercies are new every morning" I'm so glad! Rev. 21:5, He proclaims, "Behold, I will make all things new". I am a new creation; o...

Howling Wind

Well, it's nearly 1:00 am and here I sit, wide awake and sick as a dog. Friday's doctor visit has left me in a lot of pain and something is making me sick to my stomach and I feel a bit dizzy. I can here the wind howling outside. I think it makes the same sound as a lonely heart that cries out for love. It sounds so desperate, so deliberate, so torn. Anyhow, on an up note, the new car is fabulous!!! I'm so thankful.

new car

Tomorrow I am getting a new car. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. The Lord worked out a great plan for payments and it it a 2007 model. Saturn Ion with 6500 miles and a warranty I have never had a car so new and I know God is the reason for it. Thank You Father! On another note, I've been less enthused about blogging. I guess I thought it would fill the void I needed for being relational. Not so. Someone elese wrote about the same thing in their space and said a blog cannot smile, or hug you or wipe away a tear or ask how you are spiritually and then pray for you. I agree, so in that sense I'm disenchanted. I'll still continue with it thought because it is a journal of my days on this earth. So, tata for now.

All is well

My last blog was from a very dark place that I allowed myself to go to. Thanks for all who prayed and I'm sorry for those I scared. I am okay and the day is brighter. I am an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of Jesus! Anyhow, all is well with my soul. This Sunday will be the first of our new series. Wall watchers, remember to pray. Because of what has been happening in my personal life I can only imagine what God has planned for the kids. Satan has certainly tried to fight me, what a loser! I'll write more later, I just wanted to get this out there in blogville. Love you all....

Road to Damascus

It's been a few days since last post. I haven't been sleeping very well; legs ache. Three night ago I had a vivid dream. I was walking down a dirt road as I walked, there were words written on the road. It said "The road to Damascus is a hard road to travel." I'm still pondering it, but thought it was certainly blog worthy. My body is weak and I'm tired. I've had a lot of random thoughts and today this poem came out. It is untitled: What's right? What's wrong? Living is dying! My heart is torn and bleeding, It has dripped and created a pool. Wet, deep and slippery. I'm slipping. I'm falling. Where? In love? In danger? Into a trap? Loneliness is stealing away all reason. Common sense--long ago stored away and stacked in a corner covered by cobwebs of deceit and betrayal. Trust--What? Whom? The unknown The unseen Where is faith? Misplaced?