Crispy apples

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. I have been so busy. Thanksgiving has been great. Chris got to come home and spend a few days here. Even though many family members did there own dinner this year, they still came by the parents house to greet one another. It was so nice! I have a funny to is no great secret (except to her) that my mother can be quiet overbearing and difficult to get along with and spend a great deal of time with. Every family gathering brings me to think how long will I stay and how will I get out quickly and unscathed. We were sitting at the table and I left the room along with my cell phone; something I rarely do. While I was out of the room a dear friend called me. Just a side note about this friend, she got a word last year that her words would be like sweet golden apples. ANYHOW...the phone rings and my mom answered it in my absence it went something like this: Mom: hello Friend: Do you need a reason for an escape ? there is a pause... Mom: No, this is Rhonda's mom and she is in the bathroom Friend: (gasping in horror) Did I dial the wrong number? I'm sorry, I'm laughing so hard it is difficult to type! Somehow the conversation ends. While I'm in the other room I feel a sudden temperature change in the house. I can hear the crackle of the ice forming on the walls. There is a faint smell of baked apples mixed with the odor of putting out a candle. When I slid on the icy floors back into the room with mom it was clear why the house was now cold. (ha-ha). Apparently the apples had a bit of moisture in them and splashed the fire coming from the dragon's ego. How sweet that moment was. I savored every delicious bite of those apples because they said in one bite what I have wanted to say for 40 years! I love you friend!!! Now before you think we are terrible, you must know we cleaned up the mess with a little story, okay a lie. I called my friend who was laughing and crying in between the apologies and I was laughing which was adding a little fuel to the dampened fire. But I convinced her that my friend thought she has dialed her son who was visiting in laws and it was all a big mistake. Ahhh, great holiday memories are made in a split second, but many will last a life time. Thanks friend for another great memory in the scrapbook of my life here in blogville.


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