
Yesterday, on the way to Abilene from Baird it began to sprinkle here and there but nothing to even turn my wipers on. I went to Wal-Mart on my way home to grab a few items I needed. I spent quiet a bit of time searching out my items and getting them into my basket. I went back to lawn and garden to check out and there was a line but not like the ones inside the store. I waited behind a couple whose little boy kept pretending to shoot me. I played along and acted as though I felt the shot and grabbed my chest in pain. He was thrilled and dragged out his other hand for a double shot. I wanted to pull out my play gun and say now what, but he was young and I didn't want to make him cry. lol

All that being said, the wind began to pick up and soon it was like a tornado was above us. Pots and plants and wind chimes were hurled around the area. Dirt and debre were flying into out hair and eyes. Little Junior John Wayne was now crying and his mom was freaking out . There was thunder and lightening and then the power went out. I was next in line. It powered back up in time for the family in front of me to check out and leave. I piled my things onto the counter and waited to leave; dreading the run to the car in the pouring rain. Then another thunderous crack and the power went out again. I waited and waited and waited. Finally the manager came back and said power was out because a transformer was hit and they would not be able to ring up our purchases. I couldn't believe it I spent all that time picking out just the right items, searching the aisles and harvesting them into my basket and now I had to walk away with nothing. But with head hanging I did so. As I left I saw two women in the parking lot loading their trunk with potted plant that had blown onto the the parking lot.

.. Any how, I went home defeated. The weird thing is that because I had the items in my basket, when I came home I actually was looking for one item. Even though I didn't buy it and bring it home, I held it in my hand therefore it seemed like I had it. Today I had to go but the items I needed but I went to a different store that was closer to home and paid more for them.

The Holy Spirit said how many times have my people done just what you did. They left my Presence too soon. The leader dismissed services or at home something distracts them. Why didn't you go to the other Wal-Mart? Why didn't you return there today? You walked away beat and defeated, you invested your time and weren't able to get what you came for so you went home empty handed (or empty hearted). Break through was so close you felt like you had it, but you didn't. You left too soon, You only saw a shadow of what was to come and you stopped short of the fullness of My Glory.

I have purchased all that you need , find me and you will be satisfied, find me and I will fill your heart as you spend your time seeking me. Quit peering out the window at what others have. Step out, get what I have for you. It will not look like what others have, it was picked especially for you. Don't leave defeated, push... your so close.

So it is suffice to say that I'm going shopping, but I'm gonna be seated in the basket like little John Wayne was safe in my Father's arms. He has everything I need, I'm not going back I'm moving ahead, the past is over. Break through is imminent!


Cindi Dennis said…
Rhonda, What a sweet peek into your heart. I loved your blogs, the honesty and vulnerability are precious and freeing. You are a mighty woman of God, in training and not a regular boot camp but special ops. It is more intense,hard and more than you think you can take at times, but it is just what you need to be prepared for the season ahead where you will be the one looked to for instruction and hope and strength and strategy. I love you and I feel empowered reading your heart. Bless you ,Friend! Cindi

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