Me, again?

Today I changed my social security and my driver's license back to my maiden name.
I'm cutting all ties with my former life. Someone said, "Oh, you get to be you again."
I've always been me, but today I'm a different me. I ran across some pictures a doctor took of me when I was abused some 20 years ago. The outer marks are long gone with no evidence of their existence. God has healed as much of the inner marks as I have allowed. I cannot go back and change the past few years, they are as much a part of me as today was. I can't go back and reclaim the "me" I was supposed to be. I can only move forward and be the "me" of today. Today I move forward with new insight and new victories in overcoming obstacles that kept me from being the best me possible. Today I purpose to be closer to God. I'm through with being pushed back and I am pressing on into the Upper Court in Christ. I have love to share, wisdom to share and God has made me a new creation. Not perfect, Chosen! In my broken-ness He alone makes me whole. There is much to learn. Today I am repositioned and God will launch me to new heights .
Martha Munizzi does this great song called 'Break Through". Some of the lyrics say "I can see a new day dawning, I can see break through coming. Joy comes in the morning, Break through, break through." This is a new season for me. Parts of it seem familiar, but this time is different. This time I'm engaging in the battle with the Lord. I am going to fight back, take back and push back and come back all without looking back!


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