dog kisses

This morning I was awakened by my sweet little dog. Normally when the alarm rings she goes futher under the covers. Not this morning, she was wide awake and insisted that I do the same. She was nuzzeling her head into my face and trying to give me kisses. I sucessfully blocked them. I got up and let her out back where she ran and leaped and was so happy and full of life. I thought how in the heck does someone do that first thing in the morning and finally just signed it off to her youth. Now as I sit here I started thinking about it again. She is so happy to see me at lunch and in the evening. She is content with her life! She knows she is loved and wanted . It's not so much that she is young and full of energy, but she is living. I am too! I sometimes give myself the excuse that I'm to old for certain things or it's too late. No! Jesus said, "Choose life". Things are moving along with Kevin, I see major changes yet I am guarded. You know, fool me once....... I want this relationship to work and so far it seems to be. I find myself giddy and feeling that stupid I'm in love stuff. I am content. I am young and full of life and have many goals to fulfill. Forgive me for indulging myself in a little back patting, but it helps to say it out loud. I am a highly favored child of God!! A couple of weeks ago I was in a music store and I heard the audible voice of God say: "Your a daughter of Light" I looked around, I was alone. I had been looking at the toys (I told you I'm a child at heart, a toy-r-us kid) and I was so saddened by the way our children and young people are being seduced. these Anime' toys are dolls that are dressed scantily and in provocative positions. Other figurines are monsters, horrible creatures that you see in nightmares and of all things SouthPark has a talking turd. I'm not kidding! There were magic potions and a book on spells to cast on someone to make them love you or to ward off a bully. The devil makes it look so harmless, remember he is a liar! I believe because I was so surrounded by darkness the Lord wanted to remind me. I am that light to shine on the darkness! I am that life that is living and full of His Spirit and content being so! I can't wait to be awakened by the Father, I'll leap and jump and smother Him with kisses and I'll know I am loved by the smile on His face.


Anonymous said…
yea you got a dog... what kind did you get...
post pictures on your blog!!!
Anonymous said…
yea you got a dog... what kind did you get...
post pictures on your blog!!!
Unknown said…
She's a rat terrier.
I don't know how to load pics...
love Rhonda

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