what's happening

Today I took down the Christmas decorations. I have many, many ornaments and little treasures each with their own box. Placing each one in it's own space to protect it and keep it safe for the following years . It was quite a task. As I was taking ornaments off the tree I was trying to do so in the most efficient way I thought possible. I wanted to take all the larger boxed ornaments first so they could then go into the storage box first. I had done several when I found the box for the "fish in the tank" from Hallmark. I looked all over that tree twice and could not see that particular ornament. I stood there staring trying to bring it into my view, it did not happen. When I was almost done I spotted it....it was right in front of me the whole time. I looked there and it was not on the tree. The Lord used this to minister to me. He said, "You know Rhonda that you get so over whelmed when you look at the bigger picture, If you would just take one thing at a time and take care of that one thing, then the rest would come and not over whelm you. When you look at the whole thing, you loose you focus and when your focus is gone then you are left groping in the air to find you way. I have made a path for you, you do not have to wander, just look straight ahead." It is so true, it was right in front of me the whole time, but I couldn't see it for looking at the whole tree. I do that in my day to day living. I want to know what's going to happen and how it's going to happen before it happens. By the time I'm about done with analyzing it, I'm exauted and very over whelmed. Lord, help me not to run out in front of You. Forgive me for the times I have!


Anonymous said…
that is such a good word I need to remember that as well

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