Justice with a "P"
About this time last year I adopted a rat terrier named Haley. She brings me so much joy most of the time. Kevin has a fox terrier named Casey. She is about 15 years old and is completely deaf. There is the usual sibling rivalry between the two. The power struggle for who will be the pack leader is clearly won by Haley. She has to be the first in and out the back door, the first to get her dinner bowl and her treat. Casey willingly submits and is just content on getting her dues whether she's first or not. Haley is so jealous any time she thinks Casey is getting more attention. She has stooped (squatted) to a new level and will occasionally pee on the floor to mark her territory. I'm glad God made people differant and we can just use permanent markers to write our names on our stuff. Any how, like I was saying, it isn't often but she has earned a reputation . She usually pees in front of the bedroom door or the hall entrance to keep Casey from entering those areas. There have been a few times however that the M.O. was differant and I felt Haley was blamed unjustly. Well, yesterday I came home for lunch and like usual I first take the dogs out back. While I'm outside Kevin arrives home for his lunch break. When I came back in he said, "what is that on the floor". I know what that seemingly harmless phrase means and I hung my head in dread of hearing the #$%* that always follows the discovery of anything out of order. (I think to myself... I hate you! Not really.) He said there is a trail of pee leading from the recliner to the back door. In my best defense lawyer mode I proclaim Haley's innocence. She was at the front door when I arrived and she leaves lakes, not drops. He shakes his head convinced he is right and says NO, Casey would never do such a thing. Between you and me, she has on occasion, but dare I remind him of that . Not now at least. He goes over to THE COUCH.... the one he bought with his on money when we weren't together, the one that he keeps covered with a sheet to protect the cushions from Casey laying on it., the one Haley cannot get on by herself and is banned from sitting on. ah yes, that couch. As he runs his hand over the sheet to remove the wrinkles ....well it all happened so fast the #$%$&, the look on his face, the sheet flying in the air, the cushions being tossed. His beloved perfect Casey had peed on that couch. OMG (insert a picture of me doing the touchdown dance). Right now I'm laughing so hard I may have peed,on myself ..
ha ha ha . It was very difficult to maintain a look of empathy and shock on my face while inside I'm celebrating the proof of my dog's innocence. I said oh no, I'm sorry, just leave it, go eat your lunch and I'll clean it. Inside I was saying HA, I told you. What now?
"Who let the dogs out ...who who who who you know the song. The truth has set my Haley free, at least this time. I could already see her newspaer ad: "Wanted, family without other pets, must have carpet"
Thank God for Woolite upholstery cleaner and Fabreeze.