
Showing posts from 2009

I love the holidays

I just love the holidays. I've got my pink peds, I'm ready for the race The fast paced step this season brings. The smell of cinnimon is in the air and I know that the man in the suit is very near. What's that familiar noise I hear? Like tiny hooves swishing through the air. I peek out the door and grin ear to ear It's him, it's him; he's oh so near I just love this time of year! His suit is crisp and clean and snug Come closer and let me give you a hug He bring me gifts and never makes a mess Yep it's him, the man from U.P.S. Oh. your suprised? Don't go into shock He wears those little brown short and makes them rock I just love the holidays!

Ramblin' Rose

Today I'm dealing with a ton of pain. My heart is breaking . I cannot or don't want to believe that my sister is dead. I know she is with Jesus and that she no longer suffers, but I'm selfish and I want to talk to her. Who will I talk to when I say remember the time when we were little and mamma....... No one could relate to that but her or my brother. We had a really rough life growing up and due to our own choices adult life was often hard too. She doesn't have to struggle any more, I wonder does she still make decisions or have choices? What will the holidays look like? I cannot possibly fill the shoes or her and mother, although I know I'll try. It will never ever be the same. I want to be healthy, I don't want to leave my son to deal with this mess of emotions that comes with this kind of loss. I cried out to my Savior, the only One that can and will help me. Jesus, I need you more than ever, please comfort me, hold me, ease my pain, remove the hurt, hel...


It has been a while since I've blogged. Not that I haven't had things to write about. Actually it is because there is so much I have felt overwhelmed. I was thinking about my brother, DeWayne and how his death came suddenly, without warning. It was shocking and we were forced to deal with it immediately. And mom, it was such a quick transition from being diagnosed with cancer and then death taking her. Both are hard things to go through emotionally. With my brother, there was no hope, no prayer could change it. It was final and I didn't get to vote. There were a lot of questions and there will never be any answers. With Mom, we had hope in God to heal her. She didn't want to live and prayed for God to take her home. He did, despite my pleas... Now, it is final and nothing can change it. My sister is still fighting. She is the bravest person I have ever known in all my life. I again have hope that she will be healed and live a long and prosperous life. When my eyes ga...


It's been a long time since my last blog, but I have had a lot going on. I just got through reading Bill Johnson's Supernatural Transformation of the mind for the third time. Each time God reveals more to me and I just "get it". I thank God for them. God reminded me that he told me break through is eminent ! I am trying to meditate on the Word more and walk in His Spirit & truth until it is a natural thing for me. Stephanie borrowed the book so we will be climbing buddies through this area. I thank God for her and our friendship

Princess Party 2009

                                                                               Katie                                                                                Kylie                                                Kylie, Alexis, Ashton, Taylor, Katie                                                             Alexis                                                                            Ashton                                                                           Taylor The Princess Party was fabutastic (my new word).  The girls had such a good time and God sent just the right volunteers to get the job done!   We used some different worship music this time and the girls were able to move into the Presence of The Father. Ashton came to me and said she felt tears in her eyes during worship. I told her that was because she was in the Presence of our Great God and that is how how soul was responding to it.  I encouraged her to go deeper and she did. She later said her whol...
Today when I got to work there was a message on the answering machine. A customer proceeds to go on and on with profanity tucked in between every two or three words about his anger at us because his #$%@ gate code will not work and how mad he is at us that we lied because he is not able to get in after office hours and blah, blah, blah.  I reviewed the gate reports and sure enough he tried to get in, but he was putting in the wrong code , he was one number off.  I love it when it's not our fault.   I promptly returned his call and said "hello, this is Rhonda at Stor & Lok and I understand you had a problem with your code over the weekend" (snickering under my breath) Yes I did and so did another car but they got it to work and then my code started working. "Yes Mr. @#$& I noticed on my code report that when you used the right code it began to work. "  He began to clear his throat and then profusely apologize for the foul message he left proclaiming he w...

Reconciliation letter to the church

We need one another.   We are created to have relationship with one another. God Himself created man to have relationship with and we being made in His image have this innate yearning to belong. The Bible calls us ministers of reconciliation.   The word reconciles means to reestablish, restoring relationship better than it was before. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I had a brief opportunity to restore a relationship with my mother before she passed away.   I think I grew to love her more the last month of her life than I had in my entire adult life.   So, how do we do that? How can you be restored to someone who has brought you great pain?   Here it goes, it ’ s profound!   “ Do not count men ’ s sins against them. ”   It is so easy to wallow in our own pain and get covered in bitterness, disgust, hate for the acts of another person. How many times have I said how could you, I would never do that.   I become the judge and I forgot that Jesus took all judgments on the cross.   I have re...


Today is a very sad day for our family. Mother passed away this morning.  Yesterday she had a bad reaction to some pain meds and that was horrible. I did not recognize her as she lay there .  She could see her grandmother and she was asking her to help her. She kept saying help me  grand-momma.  She was also calling for her own momma.  She would grab mine and Susan's hand and say make "holly golly go away."  We figured out she was talking about the pain. We told it to leave and she agreed it needed to go.  She was very child like and I believe she was a little girl in her mind.  I thank God for letting me see the innocence of her youth. She looked so sweet at times and would just smile so big. Her smile was truly captivating.  Today Susan and I got to be with her as she passed from this world. We know she is in heaven right now. That is price less to know that she is saved.  I will miss her !  She was the best mother she could be and I'm glad she gave me life.  She ...
My mind is so bogged down with thoughts that I'm not even sure were to begin.  I am OVERWHELMED ! Issue # 1  Today the doctor recommended mom for Hospice care. They came in and basically told me how to prepare for her death, how to say good bye.  I cannot wrap my mind around that right now.  She is saved and has peace with God, but it's not fair.  I'm clinging to hope for the life of a woman that I built so many walls around my whole life. I've blamed her for a lot of things that I became as I grew up. I have ask her to forgive me and she does and so does God but I'm sick with anguish over the whole situation. I saw myself feeling this way about dad. Now the way I sometimes feel about dad are unfamiliar.   Did I ever really know my parents ?  A lot of times I was mad at mother for certain things and felt like she was being difficult, sometimes she was but now I know sometimes she was covering for dad. Protecting his saintly persona. Just like me and just like Susan ...

mouth full of sand.

I was thinking today about how I have been feeling lately. I got a visual of an ocean and I'm standing on the beach. I want to escape so I run as hard as I can towards the ocean .My speed and momentum take me out quite a ways then as I slow down I realize I am walking on quicksand not water and now I'm really far into it and cannot make my way back to the sand.  I feel completely out of control of my life. I need a life line before I'm in over my head.

random topics

God has been pouring some things into me these past two weeks. Some I haven't quite pulled together, other things are crystal clear.  I've made some decisions in my life that were not always the will of God, some things I tried to fix myself because we all know how intelligent I am. (right?)  I have a habit of believing that I have messed things up so much that God will no longer need or want me around. I try to fix it and it often ends up worse.  I felt I had broken my relationship with God because of  1. marrying Kevin, 2. taking time off from children's church, 3. having some bitterness over my life where my parents are concerned and  just not spending enough time doing religious things (I'm totally being sarcastic here).  I have repented . A few days ago I told the Lord I was soooo sorry for breaking our relationship, He spoke one word to me, " fractured " . Okay, lets look at that word, it is a form of being broken, but a fracture is still attached, it is...


Today church was so good. We were instructed to invite God to speak. The first time I heard Him say, "I love you". I so need to hear that over and over again.  After the teaching, we waited again to hear from God.  He is so faithful.  There are times when I feel like I'm not effective in my walk and at times I have thought what is the use because this person doesn't "get it" and I sometimes act the way he would understand instead of the way my heart desires. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Anyhow, God spoke to me this morning and said Rhonda, you know that Kevin buys you perfume to wear because he likes the way it smells, but when you wear it he rarely acknowledges that you have it on. And sometimes other people will say what is that perfume your wearing, it smells so good and you think to yourself that you can't even smell it.  Well, that is what it is like to walk in the ways of the Lord, maybe you don't notice it but others do. Just because ...