
Today I have great news!!!! My little sister called me this morning, weeping and humble she said I know I'm healed. I stand in agreement with her. Last night she went to a KLF cell group meeting in Clyde U.S.A. she had been invited to. She said Rhonda, it was awesome. She made friends and God read her mail. She is so amazed because God used someone to tell things about her that no one else knew. I just love when God does that. She said I felt so loved and I can't wait to go to their church Sunday and will you come with me. YES, YES, YES! Today I read a friends blog and he was talking about letting signs and wonders, ect lead people to salvation instead of us trying to cram it down their throats. That is exactly what happened. A man who holds the cell group in his home went to where my sister works for lunch. He knew she had a bad report from the doctor via my mother. He ask how she was and before he left, he ask if he and the other person he was with could pray for her. She said yes and they did. She told me later that day and said you know Rhonda, they prayed out loud and didn't care who heard and I wasn't even embarrassed about it. They lived what they believed and due to that authenticity she was drawn to the invitation of the cell group and salvation. She can't wait until the next test from the doctor so they can witness the miracle of God. Hallelujah!!! Thanks Aaron, and I love your quote and I'm going to "borrow" it. "The Kingdom inside you will be the Kingdom around you." That is so simple but so profound! I thank God for real Kingdom people.For those who love and do not judge. I proclaim salvation for the rest of my family and I call them out by name Christopher, Kevin, Ashley, John ,Tom, Katie, Ray, Gary, Jennifer, Melissa and Gary Jr. . I pray Lord, let me be Kingdom in my everyday living so You can bring salvation and healing to those I come into contact with. What a great day this is!


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