Friday Kevin called me at work. We had a storm in this part of town with some really strong winds. We have a huge tree in the front yard and one of it's limbs was a casuality to the force of the gale. It hit the driveway where my car would have been had I been home and it landed all the way across to his car. It was raining to hard for him to go outside and access the damages but it looked really bad. I called my boss to see if I could borrow hit electric chainsaw he left here and he said okay. By the time I got home the rain had stopped and I began to cut up the tree. Kevin wanted to but I said no, let me. You can move the limbs and lift the heavy parts. So team Kennedy went into full action mode. Wow, I never knew how much stress relief I would get from cutting up those limbs, but I did. Yes, I'm a lumber jill. Right after Kevin called, my sister called and said the doctor told her she had 6 months to a year to live. It took the breath right out of me to hear those haunting words. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I just held my emotions in and the Holy Spirit took over and reassured her that she is healed, no matter what. After I hung up I let the emotions out and headed home. I said Lord, this is too much at one time. Little did I know that the "tree crisis" would actually bring me such a release of stress instead of adding to it, but God did. I think from now on when I need some relief I'll yell TIMBER and let God take the stress away.