Praise Report
Sing with me: "Oh, whose report shall you believe, we shall believe in the report of the Lord!"
Yes. yes and amen. I went to the doctor yesterday about the "symptoms". No surgery!
Through the lifting of heavy things when I moved and the lack of fiber in my diet, the wound had reopened and is irritated. It can be reversed through a good diet, soaking in warm water and the continued touch of Jesus. Thank you all that prayed and stood in for me. Thank you for holding up my arms when they had grown tired. I do have "a knowing" that there were prayers that enabled us to touch the hem of His garment. The lifting off of the burden is so great. I am a blessed woman.
Continue to pray for my sister Susan. God is not a respecter of persons and what He has done for me He will surely do for her. He is greater than any cancer, any tumors any doubt or disbelief. He is !!!!!