
Last week I sleepily reached over to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock as it rang out the annoying beep, beep, beep that could cause even the sleepiest person to arise and shut it off. I remember thinking "well, there is the end of a great nights sleep", but even as I drifted back into my slumber that phrase kept resonating in my spirit. Alarms...they signify the end of one thing, but the beginning of another. They ring a bell to signify class has started and the end of one class room session to begin another. One rings out to end school for the day. Alarms are sounded when there is danger, firetrucks, police and EMS use sirens to ring out "Move out of the way, I'm coming!" Smoke alarms cry out to notify us of danger. We honk our car horns to say watch out, I'm here. Our Lord will sound a trumpet to say , "Ready or not here I come!" Zephaniah 1:14-16 "The great day of the Lord is near; It is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter . There the mighty men shall cry out. That is a day of wrath. a day of trouble and distress. A day of devastation and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess. A day of thick clouds and darkness, a day of trumpet and alarm against the fortified cities and against the high towers. Here we see the trumpet was used to signal the approach of an enemy. Alarm is a war shout. And high towers were built in the corners of walls so that the enemy could be attacked from all sides and be caught in a crossfire of arrows and stones. I believe as Christians there is an alarm ringing out in our spirits that say get up;wake up. It is coming to the end of a season. Will you hit the snooze button and lull back off into your comfortable slumber? Will you keep laying there while I'm warning you that danger is fast approaching? I know that I can hit the snooze on my alarm only so many times before it stops warning me. There have been times that I have been too tired to hit the snooze and I just adjusted myself and became deaf to the noise. Let's not wait until the hour is past and the warning stops or we become deaf to the crying out. We serve a God who is coming back for a Bride. We have to help prepare His Bride. It is not just about getting ourselves ready, it's going to be a big wedding. Just now, my phone rang, it was my BFF and we were talking about this blog. I told her that when I'm not in the presence of God, it seems like a long time in between. Even one day seems long. Time is different in His Holy Presence, it almost stands still. I was reading Psalm 66 and 67 this morning and it made me cry because His Word evokes such emotion from me, my spirit rejoices. His Word is alive and it is an alarm. "Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth."


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