For the last couple of days I've talked with several friends that are experiencing new things with their children. It made me go back and reflect on my own experiences. I remember how rejected I felt when Chris didn't want to sit with me, he wanted to sit with his friends and he quit sharing things with me and then I found out he was sharing them with a girlfriend. I remember thinking, how dare she take my place like that! Then I remember the Lord showing me the other side of it. If we have been successful as parents our children are supposed to grow up and leave home. When Chris wanted to hang out with his friends and I wasn't "cool" anymore, the Lord said, good job Rhonda, you've taught him how to be a friend. When he shared his secrets with Kendra, the Lord said, you taught him to trust and to love. When he spent money taking a friend to the movie rather than me, you've taught him to be generous and to be a giver. Every single thing the enemy tried to use to make a wedge the Lord revealed a counterpart. God is so amazing . Cherish all the season's, they are growth, they are life. One day they will call and say Mom, could I talk to you? Mom, do you want to go see a movie with me and my wife ? The season's always return and you'll be "cool" again.