I'm at work. This morning I wore my flip-flops. I guess when I was at home a clump of hair came out of my comb and it must have fallen into my shoe. I looked down at my foot a minute ago and it looked like the foot of Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings). It made me laugh out loud.
I wonder why it is that when there is an extra roll of coins on hand that there is someone that just has to open it, whether it's needed or not. For some it is like an itch, they just have to. It's like when your almost out of milk and you buy another gallon, but someone had to open the new one before finishing off the old one. Argh...it highly irritates me. Okay, enough complaining. My birthday was a great day. I'm so thankful for the friends God has placed in my life. Even my sweet daughter-n-law called me. I'm so blessed.
A few thoughts I've been pondering....... Why do people pull out at an inter section. look and see me headign their direction and wait till I'm almost at their spot to pull out in front of me. Is it more challenging to them to see how close a casr can get without getting hit? Why is it that when there are two lanes and one is ending and I need to merge the person next to me takes it as a personal challange to keep me from merging in front of him/her ? Why have I found my hand in the windshield forming the "L" (for loser) with my fingers more this month then in my entire life combined ? Why is it that when I call certain people, regardless of how long it's been since I've called or what time it is, they always act annoyed that i've bothered them? Why do I allow people to manipulate me ? Why are people so mean? Why do I post these stupid blogs that no on responds to? (Except for Cyndee)