Scent of Heaven
This morning I woke up excited to go into my prayer room and meet with God. I was not disappointed! As I left the room to make ready for my day I could smell a sweet aroma. It was sort of like Honeysuckle. I don't have any Honeysuckle growing nor do my neighbors that I know of. I wasn't wearing perfume or burning candles or anything. As I walked into the living room it was like walking into a mist of this aroma. I believe it was the presence of God I was smelling. I have heard of this and I have heard some say they could smell roses. I think the more we walk in the Spirit, we can expect things like this . Remember God is supernatural. Expect the unexpected. I'm not saying I'm looking for things or proof or anything like that. I'm just saying I know He is real and I know His voice and I can feel His presence and today I could smell His presence.