Random Thought

Today I was thinking about how we go to meeting in church and expect God to move a certain way in order to know He was present. We are waiting and watching for things to happen based on what has happened in past experiences so we can "feel" a certain way and know He was with us. When I get together with my BFF it is not the same every time. I mean there are certain things likely to happen. If we're on a trip going somewhere new, we are likely going to do a U turn somewhere and it is almost certain one of us will say "it's always an adventure". However, each one of those trips is different. Our conversations are different our experiences are different. Sometimes we just sit on the couch and veg out or go to the mall. Whatever we do it is relational and we go away knowing we were together that day. Stay with me here... Why then do we wait upon God and say if this or that didn't happen that there was not a great move or visitation ? What if God just wanted to sit beside you and listen to the wind blow and just enjoy being in your company. What if during a time of prayer and worship He wanted us to go in a different direction and we have to do a U turn. Do we dare to risk it? Sometimes when we have taken a wrong turn we have seen some sites we might have otherwise missed and sometimes the way turns out to be better than the way Map Quest said to go. Many, many times Map Quest is wrong. The maps haven't been updated and construction has taken place and roads have changed and street name have changed and been added. My point is that we box God in and we look for Him to be in a certain direction at the X on the map. What would happen if we just enjoyed the "ride" and let God direct our paths. Just a random thought...


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