The Bible says "the Truth will set you free and he whom the Son sets free is free indeed"
I've been dealing with a lot of truths these past few months. The house where I mostly grew up in Clyde has always brought bad memories for me, yet I had not been there in over 30 years . A few weeks ago I drove out to it. I parked in front of the lot, there was the pine tree my parents brought from Alabama and planted when I was small, but the house was gone. The fears I had about seeing it , gone. It was so big in my mind. Recently I revisited my old church. Something I never thought I would do. Again it was so big in my head and yet I walked through the front door even though it felt creepy. I faced my fears and faced the truth; I have been listening to the lies of the enemy. I've had to share some truths with loved ones that deeply hurt both parties. The truth is that sometimes the truth hurts. It can cause you to be catapulted into new horizons, or if you choose so, it can bury you where you stand. There used to be a television game show called "Truth or Consequences", the fact is that with truth there are consequences. The good and the ugly. What we do with that truth is what can set us free. We can face it, learn from it, improve on it, apologize for it and live with it.
Today at work, I was on the lot and I saw a large beetle rushing to take refuge from where my co-worker and I were cutting a lock. The ground has been covered with asphalt and where it meets the concrete edge of each unit, the asphalt had shrunk back causing deep crevices and craggy areas. I watched this little guy as he struggled to find a hiding place. I could almost feel his panic. He went into a rut and he would go from one side of it to the other frantically seeking an escape. If he would has taken about four steps back where he entered in, he could have escaped. (I know it was a boy beetle because he didn't ask directions). The truth is, he put himself in that position because he was running in fear. Sound familiar to anyone besides me?
I do not , will not allow fear to paralyze me anymore. I will embrace the truth and be free in the name of Jesus. I learn a lot about life through creation, God speaks to me through it, after all, He is the Creator !
My BFF was talking about a class project she has where the teacher ask if you could be anything besides human what would you be. I want to be a rose. They are beautiful , and protected by the thorns. They are colorful and even though they are gone in the winter, they return each spring. They are most fragrant when they are crushed. They are used to describe our glorious Savior Jesus (Rose of Sharon). Even after they are cut off, they can live on for days as long as they have water.