Before anyone gets too excited about the title. No I'm not! At least not in the natural. All day today I've felt an excitement. It is coming from the depths of me. Tonight at church I could feel it in the air. there was an expectancy. The worship seemed more alive, there were more people than usual for a Wednesday night, there was laughter; a reunion of sorts.
I remember when I was pregnant with my son. I couldn't wait for him to move. Once he did, wow. The boy was a kicker! After that initial time I came to look forward to his movement except maybe when he got under my rib cage. Ouch. I could hardly wait for him to be born. What will he look like? I know he will be beautiful. The doctor explained that the baby had to drop and get into the proper position in order to be born. I believe it will be that way for Bethel. We are starting to see signs of new life and a birthing is taking place right before our very eyes. God is positioning us and His move is about to be born. I can hardly wait to see what it will look like. I know it will be beautiful!
On my drive home I turned off the A/C and rolled down the window. There was a crispness in the air. A fresh breeze. A new season..........