God's timing

The last three weeks I've gone by to see if Antoine & Antoinio (the boys I mentor) and no one came to the door. I left notes and they have no phone. Today after work, I was going to the grocery store and out of the blue the Lord said go to their house. I thought OK, but their not going to be there. As I turned onto their street I could see two little bodies making their way down the road pushing a bike. From the distance I could see it was them because when Antoine saw my car his face lit up with the biggest smile. If I hadn't have gone right then when the Lord spoke, I would have missed that opportunity. Thank you Father for making a way when there is none. My son told me he has been selected for a new assignment as a Recruiter. He will be so good at that. The best part is with this assignment he will not be deployed! :) It will last for three years and extend his exit date by 8 months. But when it ends, so will his service to the Army. God is so good and so creative in how he works everything out. I and others had prayed for this. Every day I declare that my son will stay stateside. Hallelujah and glory to God! He is faithful! This is so very mild compared to my reaction right after he told me. My neighbors probably sighed and said there goes the kook again. I don't care..


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