Heavenly Places
Today K.I.D.S. Church was AMAZING! During worship most of the children were really moving into worship. You could actually feel the room atmosphere change as God's presence was made known. After the teaching segment we spent some time "soaking". The whole room was quite and I watched little hands reaching out for God and waiting for Him to speak to them. They were expecting Him to speak to them. He did! After soaking we talked about what God said to each person (only if they wanted to share). There were three different ones that saw waterfalls. Several saw heaven. I allowed them to draw and/or color what God had showed them. One child that saw heaven was drawing her picture she said there was more than one waterfall. She said you know what's weird Miss Rhonda, the sky was not blue it was gold and I felt like I could play in the water. Another child saw her dog and felt so happy to see it again. she said it was playing in heaven. Last week a 10 year old drew flames and said it was God's word. Jeremiah 23:29 "Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord." I believe there was a Holy visitation. I believe they saw what they said they saw and the experience was very real. God is speaking to our children and they are willing to go places many of us will not. One of my interns said he saw children leading the church and was reminded that a "little child shall lead them."
Children's church is not the same. Like I always say, there is life in the back!