Little By Little

God is sooooo wonderful!!! The last blog I posted got some attention I didn't expect. For those who don't know me as well, as I stated in the last post I have dealt with some things far too long. I have repented and I am delivered! Some do not see the progress and want to point out that I'm in a sad state because it has taken so long. I say Thank you God that I am an overcomer and it may have taken too long, but it is done. To quote Joyce Myers, "I may not be where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be." There have been many people in my life that represented authority to me and than abused that relationship through manipulation. It is something I have not discussed with people, but I have left it in the arms of God. It is something I now recognize quickly! Some people are always looking at lack and so those people around them never quite "arrive". Duet. 7:22-23 says, "And the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. But the Lord your God will deliver them over to you, and you will inflict defeat upon them until they are destroyed." Another words, you will be overwhelmed if they are driven out all at once. Also notice he says until they are destroyed; again indicating it is a process. So, little by little I have taken back ground that the enemy has stolen or been given. I am thankful that there are people in my life past and present that are concerned with my well being and I know God brings correction, but He also brings compassion, grace, mercy, and encouragement. When someone is struggeling it is not the time to point out their faults and failures and in effect "kick them when their down". Instead we should reach out with the extended arm of God we are supposed to be and offer them a hand up. Don't point and say I've come further than you....if you do, you are in effect saying I'm up too high to reach you. To take a quote from my Lord, "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?" Job 38:2 If you have not been in my life for many years than you do not know me, do not judge me. I am a new creation!


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