Things To Do
Well, by this time tomorrow I hope to be home and recovering from surgery. I'm still not ruling out that it may not happen if God so chooses. Yesterday I had a case of nerves over the whole thing. I even wrote out a will. Today His mercies are new and my faith is restored. I have many things to do for the Kingdom and I have an appointed time to die or be raptured out of here. Worrying will not do any good and it would bring pleasure to the enemy if he could distract me. I'm ready to be back in action and preparing for the next phase in the children's ministry. If you haven't read my newsletter, grab one off the table in the front foyer of the church. I'll need some help decorating the room. Any volunteers?
I have deciede to go back to Bethal Temple, My daughter loves it there AND is getting feed well.
In my Heart i do not want to attend a diff. churh from her...
I need a head covering for both of us.. We do not need to be seperated..
So I am going to be me and if no one likes me that is ok, I have work to do for the Lord... You see I was saved AT THE AGE OF 18 at BTCC and noel and I dedicated Manessah there, so I know the lord wants us there.. I just don't have any friends to incourage me and to help me to grow stronger... nobody realy tals to me...
I know we all make up the church,But in your home chuch you should be greeted with god's love and open arms...
So pray that manessah & I will feel home T BTCC.
praying for you always.
I forgot to add some
I know you are healed in the name of Jesus,(ps.119:89) "Your word, O lord,is eternal; it stands firm in the Heavens"
I love you very much and I will voleenter with what ever you need help with.....God Bless and in my prayers always, margie