
Showing posts from 2008

New Year

Well, Christmas came and went. Chris came down and we had a wonderful visit and met Walker, the new grand dog. This has been a year of up's and downs, Thankfully more ups. My sister is saved and healed in the name of Jesus. Her hair is already growing back and will be even more beautiful then when it left ! My parents, well..I'll get back to that one. I got remarried in July to the man I married 20 years ago and divorced after 12 years . It was the right thing to do both times ! I have a beautiful new home and I'm happy. I'm ready for some changes in 2009...mainly with getting myself healthy!!! God revealed some things in my heart to get it healthy spiritually. I'm going to let go of bitterness, resentment and disappointment. I'm going to quit reopening old wounds and set free those I've held hostage in my emotional prison. God reminded me that I have the keys and the authority to open and close any door necessary. I'm ready to let God meet my ...


A few thoughts I've been pondering....... Why do people pull out at an inter section. look and see me headign their direction and wait till I'm almost at their spot to pull out in front of me. Is it more challenging to them to see how close a casr can get without getting hit? Why is it that when there are two lanes and one is ending and I need to merge the person next to me takes it as a personal challange to keep me from merging in front of him/her ? Why have I found my hand in the windshield forming the "L" (for loser) with my fingers more this month then in my entire life combined ? Why is it that when I call certain people, regardless of how long it's been since I've called or what time it is, they always act annoyed that i've bothered them? Why do I allow people to manipulate me ? Why are people so mean? Why do I post these stupid blogs that no on responds to? (Except for Cyndee)

Want List

I read some other blogs with want lists. It got me to thinking about what I want . so just for the sake of blogging, here is my want list: 1. Kevin to be a man of God....sold out for the kingdom 2. My son to return fully to have a yearning for the ways of the Father 3. My sister complely more chemo! 4. My parents to be healed and made whole 5. My nephew's return from Iraq 6. My extended family members saved 7. The fire I have for the Father to become a raging, ravenous flame 8. Stor & Lok to prosper 9. Frank & Louis saved 10. I ask for the nations 11. My body and mind to be healthy 12. Fat gone from my body 13. To be debt free 14. A baby 15. Joy 16. My teeth fixed 17. Conatcts, better yet, my vision healed 18 A treadmill 19. An Apple computer and an IPhone 20. To win the 96 million lottery jackpot!

Destination Excellance

Yesterday Kevin and I went to Ft. Worth for the day. While I was in the shower I just began to thank God for things that would come to my mind. After a few moments I was over joyed in praising Him and I sang a love song in the Spirit to Him. It was so beautiful and I am in awe of the Holy Spirit and His wonderous love of the Father. Afterwards I was sitting at the vanity area putting on my makeup and I was still very much in the presence of God. The Holy Spirit prompted me to pray and prophesy. It was so powerful, I was weeping uncontrolably and proclaiming healing and freedom and victory and salvation for differant people. I don't think I have ever prayed that way. The Holy Sprit can say things I certainly could never think of. This went on for about 20 minutes. Afterwords I felt such a peace and a release of supernatural confidence came on me. As I thanked Him I heard a noise in the closet and then I heard Kevin say Amen. lol We have a large walkin closet and he had been in there...

Justice with a "P"

About this time last year I adopted a rat terrier named Haley. She brings me so much joy most of the time. Kevin has a fox terrier named Casey. She is about 15 years old and is completely deaf. There is the usual sibling rivalry between the two. The power struggle for who will be the pack leader is clearly won by Haley. She has to be the first in and out the back door, the first to get her dinner bowl and her treat. Casey willingly submits and is just content on getting her dues whether she's first or not. Haley is so jealous any time she thinks Casey is getting more attention. She has stooped (squatted) to a new level and will occasionally pee on the floor to mark her territory. I'm glad God made people differant and we can just use permanent markers to write our names on our stuff. Any how, like I was saying, it isn't often but she has earned a reputation . She usually pees in front of the bedroom door or the hall entrance to keep Casey from entering those areas. There ha...

Twister Sister

It seems like lately that I'm stuck in a tornado. The debre flying around me has cut me, at times deeply. And I have found myself wondering how can I duck and miss getting hit when I can't even control standing. I'm wondering where I will land when I'm flung (is that a word ?) out of this whirlwind. My parents are both ill. My dad is in the Big Springs VA hospital and they can't seem to get the infection under control. He has pneumonia. My sister is amazingly going through her struggles with the power of God. I have felt a lack of confidence to say the least in the ability to pray for myself. I tell people all the time that it is okay, I pray for people all the time but hardly for myself. Today I read someone's blog (thanks Brandi) and she quoted a scripture that God used to speak to her. She posted it, I read it and God spoke to me. "In the past you have encouraged many a troubled soul to trust in God; you have supported those who were weak. Your wo...




Today is just a blah day. I have this overwhelming sadness that I cannot explain. Here lately it feels like I've been attached to a bungee cord with my emotions. Extreme highs and lows. I can't seem to find a middle ground. I feel mentally exhausted. It has been a really long time since I have been in the place, but I pray the pass through will be quick. I do not wants to camp out in this place. The longer I stay, the harder it is to leave. I'm filthy from wallering in this pit of self pity. I feel invisible............

Time Management

What a crazy weekend! Saturday finally arrived and I was thrilled to be off work and able to do what ever I felt like and needed to do. I decided when I woke up that I would schedule to get my hair cut, just a cut, you know simple and quick. I called and my hairdresser is on vacation but since I'm on a mission I decide that it doesn't matter and I'll let someone else cut it. So I said oh, okay well just whoever you have available. God how I wish I could take those words back. So I arrive at the mall at noon, my appointment is at 1:00 so I knew I could do some shopping. I found a new outfit and headed for the salon. The girl took me right away to her styling station and I explained that I just wanted some dead ends trimmed off. Then she proceeds to tell me what bad shape my hair is in and how the highlights are faded and how horrible it is and blah, blah, blah and by the time she's done I'm getting a trim and a colored rinse. I choose a lovely shade of brown. While s...

New sheriff in town

Yesterday I went to church in Clyde at KLF with my sister and my BFF . It was such an amazing time. The worship was OMG and the teaching was anointed. The folks there are just real people that love Jesus. My sister gave her testimony in front of hundreds of people and I am so proud of her. God is so awesome! She said she feels so loved there and I'm thrilled for her. Every time I go there I feel so stirred up and ready to jump in and do at Bethel what I feel inside. I have such a desire to do BIG things in KIDS church and I plan on breaking down some walls and religious barriers in the mighty name of Jesus. God has great plans for those children. I was praying about it yesterday and whining to God that I feel weak in certain areas. He reminded me that He is my strength and that I am lion hearted. It felt good to hear Him say it again. I think since it is my e-mail and I see it so much that my spirit had become dulled to it's meaning and to the fact that God himself gave me ...

Miracle #2

OK , miracle #1 was my sisters salvation. #2 the results of the bone scan. The Dr. says it has to be a miracle! There is no cancer anywhere else in her body and other than the mass on her lung , her lungs are clear. Her bones are strong and slight arthritis in the shoulder area. Nothing is impossible for God!!! We are believing that when she goes for the next kemo (sp)treatment in 3 weeks that the X=ray will show her lungs clear. Yesterday she was admitted into the hospital for the 1st treatment. She said she knew that there were many angels surrounding her. She could sense them. isn't that awesome. Yes it is! I praise the Lord God almighty. He is Jehovah Rapha. He is the great Physician. We rejoice in the healing of Susan at the hand of the Master. Glory to his marvelous Name.

Chain Reaction

Today was awesome. I went to church in Clyde KLF with my sister. The worship was amazing as usual and the message was captivating. They did a call for salvation and renewal. Susan took my hand and we went to the front together and she rededicated her life to the Lord. I feel so honored to have had the chance to have that bond with her. We prayed together, took communion together, cried together and rejoiced together. Not only did God heal her, but he has healed our relationship with one another! When she got home and shared with her husband what had happened in church he said he wants to go next Sunday. Then he called his mom and she said well, if you go I'll go and his sister said if you all are going then I am too. Praise God for the chain reaction! Nothing is impossible for God. Salvation is the ultimate healing for any of us and the greatest miracle ever. I am excited to see God move upon the hearts of the other family members being called out. Thank you Jesus.


Friday Kevin called me at work. We had a storm in this part of town with some really strong winds. We have a huge tree in the front yard and one of it's limbs was a casuality to the force of the gale. It hit the driveway where my car would have been had I been home and it landed all the way across to his car. It was raining to hard for him to go outside and access the damages but it looked really bad. I called my boss to see if I could borrow hit electric chainsaw he left here and he said okay. By the time I got home the rain had stopped and I began to cut up the tree. Kevin wanted to but I said no, let me. You can move the limbs and lift the heavy parts. So team Kennedy went into full action mode. Wow, I never knew how much stress relief I would get from cutting up those limbs, but I did. Yes, I'm a lumber jill. Right after Kevin called, my sister called and said the doctor told her she had 6 months to a year to live. It took the breath right out of me to hear those haunt...


Today I have great news!!!! My little sister called me this morning, weeping and humble she said I know I'm healed. I stand in agreement with her. Last night she went to a KLF cell group meeting in Clyde U.S.A. she had been invited to. She said Rhonda, it was awesome. She made friends and God read her mail. She is so amazed because God used someone to tell things about her that no one else knew. I just love when God does that. She said I felt so loved and I can't wait to go to their church Sunday and will you come with me. YES, YES, YES! Today I read a friends blog and he was talking about letting signs and wonders, ect lead people to salvation instead of us trying to cram it down their throats. That is exactly what happened. A man who holds the cell group in his home went to where my sister works for lunch. He knew she had a bad report from the doctor via my mother. He ask how she was and before he left, he ask if he and the other person he was with could pray for...

The Shack

I just finished reading the book, really, I devoured it. When I fisrt decided to write this blog I thought , geez Rhonda your in love with a book. Though that my be truth in part I now realize the reality of my feelings. As my heart pounds wildly in excitement I know that I am full of awe, hope and love over flowing for Papa. Even though the book is fiction based, I came away after reading it feeling somehow cleansed. I do hope it depicts the real Father God. I know I will read it again. I think most of us have "a shack" buried in the back woods of our pasts. Ta ta for now, I've got some gardening to do. Love Rhonda

Praise Report

Sing with me: "Oh, whose report shall you believe, we shall believe in the report of the Lord!" Yes. yes and amen. I went to the doctor yesterday about the "symptoms". No surgery ! Through the lifting of heavy things when I moved and the lack of fiber in my diet, the wound had reopened and is irritated. It can be reversed through a good diet, soaking in warm water and the continued touch of Jesus. Thank you all that prayed and stood in for me. Thank you for holding up my arms when they had grown tired. I do have "a knowing" that there were prayers that enabled us to touch the hem of His garment. The lifting off of the burden is so great. I am a blessed woman. Continue to pray for my sister Susan. God is not a respecter of persons and what He has done for me He will surely do for her. He is greater than any cancer, any tumors any doubt or disbelief. He is !!!!!

The Shack

I've been reading this book called "The Shack" it was recommended by a friend and it is awesome! It is fiction but has many truths. I cannot resist a couple of lines to share now. God is speaking with the main character about a tragedy that happened, he blames himself because he believes God caused this tragedy to bring him to a place of repentance. This is God's response: "Just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Don't ever assume that my using something means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish my purposes. That will only lead you to false notions about me. Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colors." Next, Jesus is speaking to the main guy and He tells him, ""I don't want to be the first thing among your list of values; I want to be the center of everything that happens to you. Ra...

Dawn of the living water

It's almost 1:00 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I have been thinking a lot (and stressing) over "the symptons" coming back. I do believe God heals, I don't have to be perfect to be healed. I only need the faith. I have prayed for God to increase the measure of faith I've been given. The devil is a liar! I'm not being punished and I was healed the first time! The devil cannot put on me what God has delivered me from in the Name of Jesus! This is the dawning of a new day and His mercies are new every morning. "Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and healing shall spring up quickly" Isaiah 58:8 Praise God for His love endures forever. Thank you Father, according to Your Word, whatever I ask for in prayer with faith I will receive (Matthew 21:22) . I hear Your voice saying, " Daughter your faith has made you well, go in peace, And be healed of your disease. " Mark 5:34 Brothers and sisters, please be in agreement with me and life m...

Always His child

My wonderful son is 24 years old. That is so wierd to put into print. It doesn't seem possible because when I look at him I still see the 4 year old little boy that adores his mother and loves hats. And even though he is an adult by physical age, he is still my baby. As he gets older my role as mom has gone through various stages. When he needs something and I can help it thrills me . Frst of all "he still needs me". Although he has always needed me, he learned to depend on himself and others . It seems to hurt his pride when he has to ask and I can hear in his voice that this is his last resort. I love to be able to be there for him. As I was thinking about this I realized that God must feel the same way. I somethimes think that I have been a Christian for so long that when certain things come along I shy away from God because I think I'm "old enough" ( ie: " I should have known better, what is my problem") , I can do this myself. I think He will...

Holding My Breath

Three more days until I'm Rhonda Kennedy once again... My sister and I were talking about when we were kids and how we rarely did anything "special", but when a trip to the zoo or the ocean or what ever it was became a plan we we're all too excited. The promise of something so grand would soon become a flogging tool for mother to sling at you everytime you took a breath. It became the thing, the weapon you were threatened with all day every day. If you don't stop ____ were not going. If you don't hush we're not going. If you smile were' not going (literally). We talked about how we got to a point to where we would not act the least bit excited about it for fear she would take it away long before we got "it". That has become a way of life for me, don't act to happy or it may not happen . I remeber as a child holding my breath to keep from grinning and making her mad.. She hated our happiness. Well, not today! I'm grinning from ear ...


SUPERFICIAL...... the other day I was cutting tile to put down in a closet floor. I slipped with the blade and cut my finger. At first it didn't bleed and I thought "oh it's superficial." After a few moments it did bleed and it burned. The word superficial just would not go away and it began to resonate in me. So, I pondered it and thought about some things that have been on my mind lately and thought perhaps the Lord is showing me something. We all know how I love words and their definitions.I like things that are "deep". So here it is... superficial: of or relating to a surface; lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting the surface. Concerned only with the obvious or apparent:shallow. external, presenting only an appearance without substance or significance. Lacking in depth or solidity. It suggests a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details. Wow, that can apply to many things in my life. I'm still not sure where this is going but I fo...


I have recently come to a profound awareness. I have too much stuff ! It's funny how moving will help you access things like that. I have been in the storage business for 20 years and there are many times when people get behind on their rent and we have to auction their belongings. We have cut locks and I have wondered why people would pay to store some of the things we find. So now here I am in that same boat. I have a 10 x 20 (200 square feet) packed full of things that I never use. Once in a while I raise the door for a quick reminder that I'm a pack rat. Now I've rented a 10 x 15 and it is nearly full and I haven't even put any furniture in it. Mostly boxes of books and the many other things that I collect and there is more to pack. ugh :( I have a new found empathy for my tenants. that should help with rentals, they love sympathy....don't we all? I tried to play analyst on myself. Thats a big word for I've made an excuse. When I was growning ...

Garden of forgiveness

This morning while I was getting ready for work the Lord said "Rhonda, if your going to travel down this same road at least plant some flowers along the way." I've pondered it all morning and have had many thoughts. There are some roads I've traveled that are full of potholes, chugholes , pits, whatever you chose to call them. Frankley I'm spent as much time off the road and in the ditch as I have on the beaten path. So, I began to think about potholes and how they need to be repaired. Once they are repaired then one can safely travel on the road again. There have been some on our city streets where I'm sure I got rice on my wheels and even after they were repaired I found myself slowing down with great caution before I drove over them. Once I hit one and my hub cap went flying like a rocket launched into someone's yard. I didn't go retrieve it...I was stunned by the jarring of my car and my head. I have a teaching cd by T. D. Jakes about potho...

Princess Party 2008

Our 2nd annual Princess party was a great success. A great BIG thank you Cathy Kerns! I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you to those who filled up the sign up sheets and provided the meal. Even though these are little girls, they ate like grown men. I had no idea, I thought only boys did that, wow. Ivalene once again came through with a beautifully decorated table, she is so talented. Thanks Cheryl and Pat for keeping everyone informed through the bulletins. We had a total of 9 girls that were able to be there, 2 were from other churches and 4 were first timers. We had an amazing time talking about the Kingdom that they are heirs to. This year was completely differant from last year even though it was great too. There was such a presence of God. these girls know who they are in Christ. There was a "Warrior" atmosphere. So much so that I took pictures with each one holding a sword, no divas here! They are each so unique and I love them all. there is one wh...

Life Lesson Through My Dog

It's been two months since my last post and truthfully it seems even longer. I've had things to say, just too tired, too lazy, and too this, that and the other. I love how God teaches me things and uses so many differant avenues to do so. My little dog , Haley still has her dew claws on her hind legs . Because of this she has six toes per foot. Anyhow, the little claws are getting hung in the rug. my clothes, and most recently the stitching on my bedspread. Each time she yelps and cries out in pure agony, It breaks my heart to here her in pain. I have tried to help her to unhang the claw, But she is so overcome in pain and panic that she bites me. She continues to thrash her body about and bite at nme until she gets free, Usually the nail breaks off . Ouch! When all is said and done there is slight bleeding and she is very careful with the injured foot for a day or so. Through it all I love her as best as she will allow me. The Lord reminded me that so often I do that....

growth? Really?

The title says it all right now. I wonder why we pray and get excited about the prospect of church growth when we are not even realtional to the few we have now? Let me sweep my own doorstep first. I have missed many Wednesday night services and I have a host of excuses why I couldn't/woudn't make it. I can sum it up in a word , maybe two ...COMMITTMENT AND DEDICATION. I recently sent a quote to a friend from a book I am reading about a woman that lost a significant amount of weight. She said she didn't need a promise from another company about how their service and product could help her obtain nirvana . What she needed was a committment to herself. Is that what we need? Don't we have a committment to Christ? To each other? Why would God send us more if we are not caring for the few we have. Remember the talents? Have we invested in one another? I'll speak for myself, I haven't and I repent. What do you need? How can I serve? Seek and you shall find. I ...

dog kisses

This morning I was awakened by my sweet little dog. Normally when the alarm rings she goes futher under the covers. Not this morning, she was wide awake and insisted that I do the same. She was nuzzeling her head into my face and trying to give me kisses. I sucessfully blocked them. I got up and let her out back where she ran and leaped and was so happy and full of life. I thought how in the heck does someone do that first thing in the morning and finally just signed it off to her youth. Now as I sit here I started thinking about it again. She is so happy to see me at lunch and in the evening. She is content with her life! She knows she is loved and wanted . It's not so much that she is young and full of energy, but she is living. I am too! I sometimes give myself the excuse that I'm to old for certain things or it's too late. No! Jesus said, "Choose life". Things are moving along with Kevin, I see major changes yet I am guarded. You know, fool me once....

God is faithful

God is faithful. My neice that I wrote about on one of my blogs, the one that was in the hospital and God healed her. Well, she has an older sister . The older had a child and is expecting another. She has made bad choices and as far as I know has never gone to church or spoke of God. Anyhow, she has been considering an abortion because the "donor" is abusive and has many, many problems. She called me to ask what she should do. Now, I'll back up a little and show you how God works. The sunday prior to the phone call, Kevin (my Ex) was on vacation and wanted to go to church. He prefers Baptist so I agreed to go to Beltway. It just so happened that it was the sanctity of human life week so the entire message was about abotion and what the bible had to say about the subject. When we left Kevin said well, I'm not sure that was revelant for us but maybe there is a reason we were here for this service, maybe it is for those girls. So when she called me and told me ...

Troops Meeting

Tonight's meeting was so good. I left there feeling cleansed and refreshed. During prayer the Lord led me to Proverbs 2:1 " My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands within you so that you incline your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding." Verse 6: "From His mouth came knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 3:19 "The Lord by wisdom founded the earth. By understanding He established the heavens" We have been talking about how we talk, what we speak and taking back what has been stolen. Our words are so important. Each of these verses points to us taking action. If you receive my words, action is implied. To receive it you must read it, hear it, speak it and treasure it to the point that His word is all we hear and to apply His word is to speak His word. His spoken word brings knowledge and understanding v6 says it came from His mouth! By His wisdom and His understanding he founded the earth and established the...

what's happening

Today I took down the Christmas decorations. I have many, many ornaments and little treasures each with their own box. Placing each one in it's own space to protect it and keep it safe for the following years . It was quite a task. As I was taking ornaments off the tree I was trying to do so in the most efficient way I thought possible. I wanted to take all the larger boxed ornaments first so they could then go into the storage box first. I had done several when I found the box for the "fish in the tank" from Hallmark. I looked all over that tree twice and could not see that particular ornament. I stood there staring trying to bring it into my view, it did not happen. When I was almost done I spotted was right in front of me the whole time. I looked there and it was not on the tree. The Lord used this to minister to me. He said, " You know Rhonda that you get so over whelmed when you look at the bigger picture, If you would just take one thing at a time a...