
Showing posts from 2007

permanent marker

Last night I put on my favorite old and tattered night gown and sat to watch T.V. As I sat there I thought about how ugly the gown was and how I should throw it out after all, I do have others. It is thin and gray from so many washings, the V part of the V-neck looks more like a U, the ties for the bow were long ago chewed off, yes by me! There on the belly are two one inch long black marks made from a permanent marker. That marker is amazing because those things never fade. I started thinking about how marker got on my night gown and remembered that I was wearing it one night and doing a projcet for kids church. I love teaching the children, they have made a permanent mark on me. It has never faded and although there are days that I look a little gray, tattered, washed out and torn , that mark does not go away. Like the gown each time I put it on, it is fresh and a perfect fit. Yesterday I felt a bit overwhelmed because I still had not put away the donations left over from the Christm...

My Favorite

I have 2 neices and a nephew from my ex-husbands brother. These kids have had horrible lives, both parents alcoholics and drug addicts. The nephew is in a home for boys and both neices 17 and 20 have a child and are now pregnant with another. Neither are married and both have boyfriends that do not work and are abusive. All three chidren have been abandoned . They have never been in church. The younger neice is in the hospital and I went to see her a couple of days ago. She had an abcessed tooth that has caused her tounge to swell out of her mouth and the gums are swollen over the teeth and her neck is huge! She cannot eat and can barely talk . While there I ask her if I could pray for her and explained how God loves her and wants to heal her. She said she was hoping that I would cause her nanny had told her how I always pray for the family. I laid hands on her and prayed for her healing and commanded the toxins in her body would to leave. I ask God to let it be a witness to Jen...

Crispy apples

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. I have been so busy. Thanksgiving has been great. Chris got to come home and spend a few days here. Even though many family members did there own dinner this year, they still came by the parents house to greet one another. It was so nice! I have a funny to is no great secret (except to her) that my mother can be quiet overbearing and difficult to get along with and spend a great deal of time with. Every family gathering brings me to think how long will I stay and how will I get out quickly and unscathed. We were sitting at the table and I left the room along with my cell phone; something I rarely do. While I was out of the room a dear friend called me. Just a side note about this friend, she got a word last year that her words would be like sweet golden apples. ANYHOW ...the phone rings and my mom answered it in my absence it went something like this: Mom: hello Friend: Do you need a reason for an esc...

Vaughn Clark

Tuesday night God spoke through Vaughn Clark with the following message: "You need to breath fresh air in the Spirit. Take a deep breathe. Your one of those ladies that when you came in, you came in. And it was like here I am, your what I've got and I'm going with you Jesus. Don't let the enemy disappoint you and take you down. Don't let him put you off to the side. You have got to learn to walk in peace with people and do what you do because God has told you to do it. Be grateful for encouragement you have from other people, but don't let hindrances from other people stop you. You just be on about it. You have to be constant and immovable in the work of the Kingdom. When you've got help and encouragement from others, thank God for it, but when you have blockages from other people don't let it wear you out. You just go on about your Father's business ."

New vs Old

I was just thinking about when you get something new, when does it become old. Does a new car still seem new after the new car smell is gone? Does having a newborn wear off after the 5 th dirty diaper or the 50 th ? How do you go from being I can't keep my hands off you in love to don't even think about breathing the same air as me? When will I or did I become old ? Remember being a new Christian, everything was exciting and expected. So believeable . I couldn't wait to tell people about Jesus and I couldn't get enough church. Even as I type this blog, it is getting old. The Bible is old, yet in it there is a fresh revelation, a refreshing of the Spirit. God says, "That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun." Ecc . 1:9 Lam. 3:22 says His mercies are new every morning" I'm so glad! Rev. 21:5, He proclaims, "Behold, I will make all things new". I am a new creation; o...

Howling Wind

Well, it's nearly 1:00 am and here I sit, wide awake and sick as a dog. Friday's doctor visit has left me in a lot of pain and something is making me sick to my stomach and I feel a bit dizzy. I can here the wind howling outside. I think it makes the same sound as a lonely heart that cries out for love. It sounds so desperate, so deliberate, so torn. Anyhow, on an up note, the new car is fabulous!!! I'm so thankful.

new car

Tomorrow I am getting a new car. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. The Lord worked out a great plan for payments and it it a 2007 model. Saturn Ion with 6500 miles and a warranty I have never had a car so new and I know God is the reason for it. Thank You Father! On another note, I've been less enthused about blogging. I guess I thought it would fill the void I needed for being relational. Not so. Someone elese wrote about the same thing in their space and said a blog cannot smile, or hug you or wipe away a tear or ask how you are spiritually and then pray for you. I agree, so in that sense I'm disenchanted. I'll still continue with it thought because it is a journal of my days on this earth. So, tata for now.

All is well

My last blog was from a very dark place that I allowed myself to go to. Thanks for all who prayed and I'm sorry for those I scared. I am okay and the day is brighter. I am an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of Jesus! Anyhow, all is well with my soul. This Sunday will be the first of our new series. Wall watchers, remember to pray. Because of what has been happening in my personal life I can only imagine what God has planned for the kids. Satan has certainly tried to fight me, what a loser! I'll write more later, I just wanted to get this out there in blogville. Love you all....

Road to Damascus

It's been a few days since last post. I haven't been sleeping very well; legs ache. Three night ago I had a vivid dream. I was walking down a dirt road as I walked, there were words written on the road. It said "The road to Damascus is a hard road to travel." I'm still pondering it, but thought it was certainly blog worthy. My body is weak and I'm tired. I've had a lot of random thoughts and today this poem came out. It is untitled: What's right? What's wrong? Living is dying! My heart is torn and bleeding, It has dripped and created a pool. Wet, deep and slippery. I'm slipping. I'm falling. Where? In love? In danger? Into a trap? Loneliness is stealing away all reason. Common sense--long ago stored away and stacked in a corner covered by cobwebs of deceit and betrayal. Trust--What? Whom? The unknown The unseen Where is faith? Misplaced?

You Are Mine

This has been the longest week. It seems like a whole month. I am drained! This week my emotions have been all over the radar, but I feel like today I have finally harnessed them to a controllable place. I'm still not sleeping well, but today I bought some Tylenol P.M. to help that little thing out. On a positive note, today I paid off a debt. ya- hoo . that's one closer to being debt free. Then, at the risk of coming off like a complete pysco , I'll be more transparent in an effort to be more relational. Today I'm strong and so over Kevin.. I'm done ! He showed up at the job a couple of days ago and said he wanted me to go out with him as friends but I had placed conditions on it and messed everything up as usual. He said why do you want to make things so hard? What? Excuse me? I only ask him to surrender his life to Jesus. Anyhow, today I just have this "knowing" that he has a girlfriend. Usually when things start to go awry in his relationshi...


Please pray for workers in the children's ministry. I'm not looking for a "break" from teaching. I'm looking for a team. I love being back there with the kids, but there are some things that do work better if there is one or two more people. I have a hard time leading worship, putting on the over head transparency and playing the CD. It can be done, but it takes up more of the precious little time I have to minister. I can't operate the puppets and interact with them. I want people hungry for God not just looking for a way to "get out of" the morning service. I want people that come to church on a regular basis and are in proper authority in the church and in their personal lives ; people that love kids and love Jesus. Today I was asking, "did I miss hearing from God ?" I know what He has placed in my heart for the children. I do know that the devil would love to stop that seed from going forth, but he can't in the Name of Jesus! ...

My Fairy Tale

Well, it happened. Today my ex-husband called me at work. He wanted to take me out to dinner and just be friends. Sounds innocent enough right? Wrong! Two weeks ago he stopped me in a parking lot of a business I was going into. He begged, he cried, he apologized and as always he promised. He had learned and now after twenty years of knowing me he realizes the err of his ways and can't live without me. Before you judge me and think I'm heartless, there is a history that I'll tell you in person if your interested. You see the problem is, I still love him. He is not a follower and tries to control my participation in church as well as everything else in my life. When he called today my emotions went crazy. My flesh wanted to say yes. Yes, I'll go to dinner with you and then after that let's go get remarried and then we can live in my new house that God gave me and be happy for the rest of our lives. That is my fairy tale. I told him finally I would have to think a...

Sing Out

I know usually most people try to stay out of hot water. But I'm pround to say that I now have hot water and was so happy to be in it this morning! Tomorrow is the doctor visit, hopefully the last one! I don't feel any panic or fear though. The Lord has been faithful time and again concerning any pain and I know He will not fail this time. This morning my co-worker said," you just like the sound of that bell don't you? He was referring to the necklace that Markie, Roy & Tiffany got me. It is hand crafted and called an Overcomer's Bell. I do like the sound of it. It reminds me that I am an overcomer! I wasn't aware that I ring it a lot, but I do. It's like the Lord whispering to me. When the wind blows, the chimes on my deck make a beautiful noise. The wind is like the Holy Spirit stirring something and causing it to sing out. That's what it was created to do. So the bell stirs me and makes me sing out " I am an overcomer!


Last night came and went and turned into morning. I know because I couldn't sleep and I watched the departure of yesterday and the entry of today. I hope I will be alert today. Tonight is church and in the wee hours of the morning I thought , "oh well, you can come home and just go to bed." The thought was so inviting. Then I remembered the leadership meeting Sunday night. Kim made a statement about Wednesday nights and how people just treat it like a day off or like church doesn't matter. Ouch, I've been found out. I have been guilty of that here lately, so I will go to church tonight. Thanks Kim (no, I mean it) Another thing I thought of was my last blog. To my horror I realized I went from talking about sodas to milk shakes. As I replayed it in my mind I thought, "what was I thinking?" So, I just wanted you all to know that I know. (hee-hee) Oh ya, one more thing, the most important thing! My son texted me yesterday and said we should all refer to hi...


Today I was saddened and shocked. I found out that a can of soda has 5 teaspoons of sugar in it. Then the whammy ; that is the equivalent of four doughnuts. Yes ladies, I said four. It was bad enough to know about the teaspoons of sugar, but then they had to go and give me a visual so I thought I would share my grief with those I love. When I was in the hospital Kim and Barry brought me a chocolate shake at my request. Now I'll have to remember how good it was. Had I known,I would have traded for the Krispy Kremes . Such sorrow.... On another note, today my hot water heater died and went to that big boiler room in the sky. My mom and my sister were at my house while I was at work because my sister very graciously mowed my lawn for me. (It looks so pretty!) Here's my list of thankful's: * I'm thankful they were there, otherwise my floors would have been ruined by water damage. * I'm also thankful because Aaron said he could put a new one in for me. A savin...


For the last couple of days I've talked with several friends that are experiencing new things with their children. It made me go back and reflect on my own experiences. I remember how rejected I felt when Chris didn't want to sit with me, he wanted to sit with his friends and he quit sharing things with me and then I found out he was sharing them with a girlfriend. I remember thinking, how dare she take my place like that! Then I remember the Lord showing me the other side of it. If we have been successful as parents our children are supposed to grow up and leave home. When Chris wanted to hang out with his friends and I wasn't "cool" anymore, the Lord said, good job Rhonda, you've taught him how to be a friend. When he shared his secrets with Kendra, the Lord said, you taught him to trust and to love. When he spent money taking a friend to the movie rather than me, you've taught him to be generous and to be a giver. Every single thing the enemy tried...

Everlasting God

I love this song, as I was singing it to the Lord this morning, I just wanted to share the words of it. It is by New Life Worship and is the title to this blog. One thing I know that I have found through all the troubles that surround You are the Rock that never fails, You never fail. One thing I know that I believe, through every blessing I receive You are the only One that stays, You always stay. You never change, You're still the same, You are the everlasting God You will remain after the day is gone and things of the earth have past Everlasting God, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting God. Be blessed today my friends. the Lord is with you. Love Rhonda

Those Eyes

After work today I was doing some things around the house and decided to frame and hang a new Army picture of my son. He is so handsome and so grown up. I smiled as I looked at the photo and cried as I looked into the eyes of my little boy. Those are the same eyes that danced when he saw me come into the room, the same eyes that cried and I wiped the tears away; the eyes that with arms stretched up said Momma, hold me. Yesterday I was telling Diann that I would love to go back and get to do it all again. The time goes so quickly. I'm very proud of the man he has become. Friday he is off to Jackson, South Carolina for seven weeks and then he will relocate to a destination that is unknown right now. He is such an overcomer and a great achiever and if you haven't guessed yet, I love him very much.

Church Not As Usual

I made it to morning church service and it was awesome. Praise and worship just gets better and better. Our church family was moving into the presence of the Lord with no apologies! Allison spoke out and I could tell it was something that was burning inside of her. Thanks Allison for being obedient. There's a scripture that came to mind when she spoke in Matthew 7:29 "for He (Jesus) taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." She spoke with a knowing, an authority. Rock on Allison! I had to sneak out early due to the pain level. I miss the kids so much, they ran to me eager to hug me and tell me something. I'm so blessed and I love each of them! I've been seeking the Lord for the name of our next phase. Yes, for those who know me well, I love a great theme. Of course it is underwater as I've said before and here is where the Lord led me. The Gulf of Ravah . Ravah (raw- vaw ) Hebrew. It means to refresh and satisfy the thirst ...

Man Chores

Well, first of all, a great big thank you to all who prayed and/or called. When I went to the Dr. Friday , there was a tangible presence there. When the nurse took me to the room she smiled and said okay how are your nerves and I opened my mouth and heard this woman say, "I'm great." When I was sitting in the room waiting for the Dr. I remember looking down and my feet and thinking, "Why aren't you running?" I laughed out loud at this thought. He did a different procedure and told me it would burn; It did not. Praise the Lord! I go back on the 21st to have stitches removed. Today I conquered some of the "man chores" I have around the house. I went to Lowe's and purchased a new door bell button, mine was broken. I thought." I wonder how hard that will be to replace?" The Holy Spirit corrected me and instructed me to say instead, "I wonder how easy that will be to replace?" I know this may sound dumb to some of you, ...


Well tomorrow is the day I've dreaded for over a week. As I write this out though I have a quite calm about my spirit. I think really it is a confidence because I know that the Lord will not fail me. Whatever the pain or lack of, it will not last forever. I am so over being in this season! I am healed and I am whole in the name of Jesus. Thanks for all the prayers and phone calls and e-mails. I love you guys.


Last week I sleepily reached over to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock as it rang out the annoying beep, beep, beep that could cause even the sleepiest person to arise and shut it off. I remember thinking "well, there is the end of a great nights sleep", but even as I drifted back into my slumber that phrase kept resonating in my spirit. Alarms...they signify the end of one thing, but the beginning of another. They ring a bell to signify class has started and the end of one class room session to begin another. One rings out to end school for the day. Alarms are sounded when there is danger, firetrucks, police and EMS use sirens to ring out "Move out of the way, I'm coming!" Smoke alarms cry out to notify us of danger. We honk our car horns to say watch out, I'm here. Our Lord will sound a trumpet to say , "Ready or not here I come!" Zephaniah 1:14-16 "The great day of the Lord is near; It is near and hastens quickly. The noise ...

Something Missing

Yesterday my son, his wife and his best friend Jason came for a visit. The boys all pitched in and moved some junk off my parents property for them. It was neat to see them all grown up and doing something so nice for someone else, just because. Today we spent the day eating out and going to a movie and just being together. Chris was sick with sinus drainage, they left around 7 p.m. My house is so loudly quite. I'm feeling lonely. I went on line and read some blogs of other people at another church. They are so much like family, they love one another and hang out together and actually know what's going on in each others lives. They blog and they comment on others blogs. It made me cry because I long for what they have. They are Kingdom living. I have a few freinds who call to see how I'm feeling since the surgery, but somehow there is something missing. I read prayer requests from a list made at church and many times there are people on it who I have no idea who they a...

Kingdom Thinker

Today I spoke with the nurse at my doctor's office. She assured me that the pain I am having is expected and that when I go in next week the procedure will be painful. She instructed me to take 2 pain pills before arriving at the office. I have to be honest, after getting that news I cried, I felt fear, I felt panic, I felt more fear and even felt a bit overwhelmed, then I went numb. Then the enemy attacks my thoughts with "your being punished for going back to Kevin after I warned you not to." I'm fighting back! That is a lie from the pits of hell. Yes, there are consequences for our sins, however, my illness has nothing to do with that and as a matter of fact, I had symptoms of this for several months before I even considered reconciliation . Furthermore, I am forgiven! Then there's the overwhelmed part; I could make a good sized list of things that seem unfair and at one moment it seemed like it is too much. Then I am reminded that the Lord will not put mo...

When I Grow Up...

I recently heard a conversation about what you want to be when you grow up. When I was very young all I wanted was to be married and have children. Then I wanted to be a teacher. My sister says I was very bossy. If we played Monopoly I had to be the Banker or I wouldn't play. Looking back I think it wasn't so much of wanting to be in charge as it was that I didn't trust the accuracy of anyone else. In high school I wanted to be an oceanographer and I never wanted to be married or have children. I planned to join the Navy after graduation, but then I fell in love. I did get to be a teacher, I did get married, twice and have one son in the natural and hundreds in the spiritual. I still love the ocean, but the movie "Jaws" ruined me for actually getting into the water. I've watched that movie over fifty times! So, what did you want to be when you grew up and did you fulfill your dreams?

Surely, He has healed me

God is amazing. It is 5:30 a.m. , the time on my template is wrong. Yesterday I had a wonderful date with Jesus. We danced, we sang, we cried and held onto one another. I fell in love all over again. This morning at 3:00 I was awakening from a dream. In the dream I saw a huge Bible open. there was a magnifying glass moving over the text. As I focused and looked into the glass I saw 2 Kings 21. I instantly woke up. I thought I need to remember that, was it 1 Kings or 2. The Holy Spirit said 2 Kings and read it now. I reached for the lamp, my glasses and opened my Bible up to 2 Kings 21 and began to read. It was not something you want to read right before surgery. I ask God what it meant and then went back to sleep. When I got up at 4:30 I decided to read it again since I was more awake. Maybe i had heard wrong and it was 1 Kings. I read it and it also was not what I thought the Lord was showing me. Then the holy Spirit said look at your Bible again, but look on the left side. Aha! I ...

Things To Do

Well, by this time tomorrow I hope to be home and recovering from surgery. I'm still not ruling out that it may not happen if God so chooses. Yesterday I had a case of nerves over the whole thing. I even wrote out a will. Today His mercies are new and my faith is restored. I have many things to do for the Kingdom and I have an appointed time to die or be raptured out of here. Worrying will not do any good and it would bring pleasure to the enemy if he could distract me. I'm ready to be back in action and preparing for the next phase in the children's ministry. If you haven't read my newsletter, grab one off the table in the front foyer of the church. I'll need some help decorating the room. Any volunteers?

Marked For Life

Today as I drove to differant places I noticed how there were indications of how far up the parking lots of businesses the water had risen. The water didn't sit there for very long, and when it subsided it left it's mark on everything it touched. It got me to thinking about being in the presence of God. Once He lets the rain fall and you get in it; it will leave an indelible mark. If the ocean can shape a mountain side by hurling itself against it time and again how much more can we be changed by soaking in His presence. Using the same analogy the Lord showed me how they barricaded some streets so that cars would not flood out or cause a wake in the water that would flood homes. He said some people are like that in that they don't want to drown out in His presence. They really don't even want there feet wet. They have placed barricades around themselves and when others around them get wet and play in the "water" their barricades keep the wake from enter...

Did You Flood?

Today it seemed like I was in phone hell. Of the nearly 700 tenants at least 500 called to ask if we flooded. Okay so maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. I had one guy say are you sure? Yes, Sir, I'm sure. Well, he says, I saw on the news that you did. No Sir we didn't, I'm not lying to you and if you would like to why not drive over and see for yourself. We have a second story that is perched above another building at least 13 feet off the ground. Yes, even those people called to make sure there things were dry. Stress makes people stupid! I am so very thankful that we didn't flood and that I didn't have to come in and clean up a mess or make 500 phone calls to inform them we flooded. Praise you Lord! \o/ Louis came by the office to check things out, I told him he couldn't go on vacation anymore because weird things happen when he's gone.

Daughter of Troops

I have a customer named Nicole. She has been a tenant for a couple of years and suffers from great anxiety and depression. she was diagnosed as bi-polar. She has let me pray with her on several occasions and today she came in the office sobbing uncontrolably. She felt hopeless and unloved. she often speaks of suicide. She has two small children and says she goes to a nondenominational church. She lives with her parents and said that they condemn her continually and call her a bad parent because she has to live with them. I talked with her and prayed with her and as she left she said may I please just have a hug. I just want to feel love. It broke my heart. I know how that feels just to need that human touch , no words, just unconditional love. I'm asking Daughter of Troops to join with me and stand in the gap for this young woman. I'm asking for daily prayer for her to be free from opression, depression, condemnation and all lies of the enemy.


I just love the rain. Last night I laid in bed and watched the lightening blast through my window with bursts of energy. God is so brilliant! I got out of bed and went to my dining room window to look out across the deck at the rain. I love the way it looks on the Morning Glories that have wrapped themselves around the decking. It was being hurled from the heavens so hard that my wind chimes were dancing and singing loudly. As I stood there I began to feel moisture on my feet. I thought wow, I'm so into this I actually feel my feet getting wet. Then I turned on the light and yes, my feet were indeed wet. My window sill was leaking and rain is coming in from the bottom of my door. ARGH... I pushed a rug under it to absorb the moisture and calmly stated. Lord, You are my husband. This is one of those "guy" things and I need Your help to get this one fixed. I know He will. My "honey do" list never gets too long because He is so faithful. I watched the rain som...


Today is the first day my associate is gone on vacation. I miss him already. I find that I have become comfortable with the routine. I've adjusted myself and gotten used to most of the quirks (there are still some that I don't get) and I'm sure he had to adjust to mine. Here is a list of some of my work quirks: I like things in a certain spot. Everything has a spot. I want things put back in their place. I don't like it when someone creates a new spot for something that already has a spot! I do things in a certain order and I don't like to diviate from that order. (No I don't have OCD ) I can be stingey and not want anyone to touch my stuff I like closure. Those who know me well have heard me say that closure is a good thing I hate it when someone writes on my desk calendar I want to be the first to read the newspaper because when I read it I put it back in the exact order and neatness that I got it (sometimes better) I like to write with black gel pens I am ...

Heavenly Places

Today K.I.D.S. Church was AMAZING! During worship most of the children were really moving into worship. You could actually feel the room atmosphere change as God's presence was made known. After the teaching segment we spent some time "soaking". The whole room was quite and I watched little hands reaching out for God and waiting for Him to speak to them. They were expecting Him to speak to them. He did! After soaking we talked about what God said to each person ( only if they wanted to share ). There were three different ones that saw waterfalls. Several saw heaven. I allowed them to draw and/or color what God had showed them. One child that saw heaven was drawing her picture she said there was more than one waterfall. She said you know what's weird Miss Rhonda, the sky was not blue it was gold and I felt like I could play in the water. Another child saw her dog and felt so happy to see it again. she said it was playing in heaven. Last week a 10 year old drew f...

Achey, Breaky Heart

This has been an incredible evening. It all really started last night in church. The worship was different. There was such an anointing . I wished it hadn't ended and to be honest I don't think it should have. I think God wanted to do something. But that is my opinion. Never the less it left me hungry for more. When I got home from work today I had a feeling like I missed God. It was strange and more like a yearning. My spirit was longing for His presence. He was calling me to come and dance with Him, laugh with Him and cry with joy as we embraced. As wonderful as it was it left me thinking about my part. He called to me, how often do I call out to Him, cry out for Him other than when I'm in a situation of need. For myself. not nearly as often as I should. David cried out for God, his heart longed for God. I have had that feeling in my heart and my spirit. I want more ! God deserves more! He is holy and worthy. " My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make mus...

Fountain of Life

As... I go into the secret place and fall down on my face. I can feel the denstiy of the air around me change. I can hear Your glorious robe rustle as it dances around You. You move precise, determined, and confident towards me. Your embrace is flawless. One glance from You can break a heart hardened or lovingly carress a heart humbled. Fountain of life---You offer me a drink and a bath. Cleansed, quenched and satisfied, I drink deeply.

Mom's pride

Have I let a whole hour go by wiothout saying how proud I am of my son? Well, I am sooo proud of him. He is about to be promoted to E-6. He took the test and passed. Chris is so smart and so pasasionate about what he does whether that's work or friendship...whatever it is. He is continually moving forward and will not settle. He works hard for what he has. He and his wife are doing very well. She is one of the most caring people I've ever known. She has a servant's heart. Chris told me before they were married that one of the things he loved about her was that she would motivate him not to settle. They make a great couple. Thanks for indulging a mom to brag on her children. God is good and I am greatly favored.

His Glory

Last week I was in a church meeting and God was moving mightily . At some point the leader stated, Lord, I want to see Your glory. He ask everyone there to repeat and cry out to God, "Lord show us Your glory." I have learned enough to know not to do everything suggested. And although it was well meaning, I'm not sure they understood what they were asking. When I had my surgery, I realized that God was using this time to do a surgery in my inner most parts. I could see this only when I was in His glory. When your in His glory you can understand the meaning behind the event and you stop fighting with it because in the glory you understand that all things work out for the good of those who love Christ Jesus and are called according to His purpose. (thanks Mark Chironna ). God took me to a whole new level. This next surgery, if it actually happens, is to sew up a place that did not heal. It is still an open wound on the inside even though on the outside it appears t...


I love waterfalls. There not only beautiful but I love closing my eyes and just hearing the sound. They are powerful and they drown out all the surrounding noises as the water plunges down mountain sides. Psalm 42:7 " Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and breakers have swept over me." Such a beautiful verse. Many times I imagine myself in a pool of warm water tucked away in some remote place at the base of a majestic mountain. As I seek more of God, He draws me into the deep. Suddenly a large wave crashes into my serene pool and catapults me into unfamiliar water. I am not afraid, it is refreshing. I swim, I float, I tread and even dive. The waves rush back and forth lulling me . Each time I return to the pool it seems larger, deeper and the water becomes more and more clear. I love to soak, to be immersed and saturated in His presence. The waves cleanse and soothe. There is a waterfall running into my pool and sometimes I climb behi...

God's timing

The last three weeks I've gone by to see if Antoine & Antoinio (the boys I mentor) and no one came to the door. I left notes and they have no phone. Today after work, I was going to the grocery store and out of the blue the Lord said go to their house. I thought OK, but their not going to be there. As I turned onto their street I could see two little bodies making their way down the road pushing a bike. From the distance I could see it was them because when Antoine saw my car his face lit up with the biggest smile. If I hadn't have gone right then when the Lord spoke, I would have missed that opportunity. Thank you Father for making a way when there is none. My son told me he has been selected for a new assignment as a Recruiter. He will be so good at that. The best part is with this assignment he will not be deployed! :) It will last for three years and extend his exit date by 8 months. But when it ends, so will his service to the Army. God is so good and so creative i...

Little By Little

God is sooooo wonderful!!! The last blog I posted got some attention I didn't expect. For those who don't know me as well, as I stated in the last post I have dealt with some things far too long. I have repented and I am delivered! Some do not see the progress and want to point out that I'm in a sad state because it has taken so long. I say Thank you God that I am an overcomer and it may have taken too long, but it is done. To quote Joyce Myers, "I may not be where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be." There have been many people in my life that represented authority to me and than abused that relationship through manipulation. It is something I have not discussed with people, but I have left it in the arms of God. It is something I now recognize quickly! Some people are always looking at lack and so those people around them never quite "arrive". Duet. 7:22-23 says, "And the Lord your God will drive out those natio...

Do you recognize me ?

When I went to post this I looked back to see when my last post was. It had only been three days but I was so sure it was over a week. Things have been "wild" in my life. I know that God is doing a work in me and He is removing things that have to go in order for me to have more room for Him. The exposing part has been difficult and at first I didn't recognize what was happening. The day before yesterday I found myself standing in front of my bedroom mirror and I looked and said "Who are you?" I don't even feel like myself because of the attitude I've had. My emotions have been all over the place like a racket ball in an agressive match. As I write that line I realize it is a match between my flesh and the Spirit. I have been so grouchy and negative towards my self and others. One person in particular I felt sure was justified, but this morning the Lord in all His mercy showed me otherwise. He said Rhonda, you all have choices, what you choose is u...

Random Thought

Today I was thinking about how we go to meeting in church and expect God to move a certain way in order to know He was present. We are waiting and watching for things to happen based on what has happened in past experiences so we can "feel" a certain way and know He was with us. When I get together with my BFF it is not the same every time . I mean there are certain things likely to happen. If we're on a trip going somewhere new, we are likely going to do a U turn somewhere and it is almost certain one of us will say "it's always an adventure". However, each one of those trips is different . Our conversations are different our experiences are different . Sometimes we just sit on the couch and veg out or go to the mall. Whatever we do it is relational and we go away knowing we were together that day. Stay with me here... Why then do we wait upon God and say if this or that didn't happen that there was not a great move or visitation ? What if God j...

Altar of Praise

Tuesday I went to the doctor. I have to have surgery again. Luke 18:42 says "And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight; thy faith has saved thee." I have recieved my sight. I see this mountain, but I'm not going to climb it. I'm going to stand right here and build an altar of praise for my loving Father. I see a mighty God who has all power and can cause this mountain to be cast into the sea forever. I see a loving God who cares about my well being . I am a daughter of the Most High and as a daughter I have many benefits, one being divine health. Jesus took it back from the enemy. I don't even have to battle for it. It is a gift as a beliver and I recieve it with open arms and an open heart. Remember, God wants to do us good! I love You Lord and I bow at Your feet and I ask Lord, what can I do for You . Youv'e done everything for me. Your glorious and beautiful and I'm so in love with You. I see You Lord, in all Your splendor seated high upon Your thr...

train dream

Last night's Daughter of Troops meeting was so great. I'm so happy to get to know all the ladies that I don't know very well. I had a strange dream last night. I am sure it is related to our D.O. T. meeting. In the dream I was standing on a grassy area and there was a very defined area between the grass and the sand. The desert area was a large place and in the far distance I could see an old partial train track with three train cars on it. The cars were all linked together. I wanted to go over and look at the train and the very moment I touched my toe to the sand I was in the train car, although I don't know which one. At this point it was as though I was watching a movie. I could see myself standing in an open doorway. There was a door in front of me and I opened it and there was a long hallway with many doors on either side of the aisle. I stepped out of the doorway to open one of the hall doors. The door where I had been standing slammed shut. When I opened on...

Scent of Heaven

This morning I woke up excited to go into my prayer room and meet with God. I was not disappointed! As I left the room to make ready for my day I could smell a sweet aroma. It was sort of like Honeysuckle. I don't have any Honeysuckle growing nor do my neighbors that I know of. I wasn't wearing perfume or burning candles or anything. As I walked into the living room it was like walking into a mist of this aroma. I believe it was the presence of God I was smelling. I have heard of this and I have heard some say they could smell roses. I think the more we walk in the Spirit, we can expect things like this . Remember God is supernatural. Expect the unexpected. I'm not saying I'm looking for things or proof or anything like that. I'm just saying I know He is real and I know His voice and I can feel His presence and today I could smell His presence.


Before anyone gets too excited about the title. No I'm not! At least not in the natural. All day today I've felt an excitement. It is coming from the depths of me. Tonight at church I could feel it in the air. there was an expectancy. The worship seemed more alive, there were more people than usual for a Wednesday night, there was laughter; a reunion of sorts. I remember when I was pregnant with my son. I couldn't wait for him to move. Once he did, wow. The boy was a kicker! After that initial time I came to look forward to his movement except maybe when he got under my rib cage. Ouch. I could hardly wait for him to be born. What will he look like? I know he will be beautiful. The doctor explained that the baby had to drop and get into the proper position in order to be born. I believe it will be that way for Bethel . We are starting to see signs of new life and a birthing is taking place right before our very eyes. God is positioning us and His move is about to be ...


Monday's Kingdom teaching was so good. Pastor Frank spoke about the "body" of Christ It isn't about a denomination or an attendance number. We are all the body. Earlier this year I heard a teaching on unity. Unity is more than just a body gathered in a building and holding hands. When each of us go out and do the things the Lord had called us to do as individuals and we move as His body, then we are truly united. If ABC Church has a great ministry for the homeless and XYZ Church has an awesome worship team it does not make one greater in the eyes of God. It does not mean that ABC is "The Church". We are all the body, big or small We have boxed God in and our ideas of unity are far smaller than God's. We tend not to see the whole picture. We are all blood related because of the shed blood of Jesus. We simply must, must, must be Kingdom minded. Our thinking must shift from a natural realm to a supernatural realm. (Thank you Bill Johnson for your wise words...


I just love Jesus so much! He gave me the idea for the beverage fountain for KIDS Church "oil spill". I saw some in the mall for $80.00 and even over $100.00. They were for chocolate. Today I received a flyer from Big Lots and they had a beverage fountain for $18.00. Thank you Jesus. Needless to say I ran right out and got it. God always makes a way but we have to do our part. I prayed and then I had to go get it ( I received ). If we listen, God is always speaking. This morning I woke up and I couldn't wait to spend time with Him. He is alive in me.

Fresh Oil

Wow. I can't believe I almost forgot to post this. As I prepare for the new thing God is going in K.I.D.S. Church the Lord told me there would be an oil spill. Like when there is an oil spill in the ocean it is a bad thing, but the one we will have is a great thing. Anyhow, I keep a bottle of oil with a lid on it on the altar all the times. When we had church on July 8 th , the children began to move into worship and the oil got knocked over and began to pour out on the altar and make a large puddle on the floor. I didn't really think anything about it until I saw Alexis go and stand barefoot in the puddle. I motioned for her to move out of it and she would not or could not move away from it. Honestly, I don't think she could, she was so drawn to it. The Lord spoke to me and said this is a prophetic sign of things to come. She is standing in the oil of the Holy Spirit , she is soaking and becoming saturated in that anointing. After worship and not one minute before she wa...


Isn't God soooo good. and the cry of His children is a resounding, "Yes, He is!" Today I was in Clyde visiting at KLF Church. My parents live there, but they don't go to church there. From time to time I visit because there is something being poured out from God that I want. Now, before anyone might have the thought that I'm looking for another church, let me kill those thoughts right now. I am not. I belong at Bethel Temple, Abilene, Tx. Last year I received a Word from the Lord that I was to visit KLF in order to glean and take it back to Bethel. I have been doing that every chance I can. I see little glimpses of change at Bethel, I get so excited because I know in part what God wants to do and it is amazing! He has placed a fire in me. In Clyde they have meeting they have named BFW. It stands for Burning Fire Within. I have not been able to attend one of these meetings but I can tell you that I have a burning fire within me. I don't want to just lig...


The Bible says "the Truth will set you free and he whom the Son sets free is free indeed" I've been dealing with a lot of truths these past few months. The house where I mostly grew up in Clyde has always brought bad memories for me, yet I had not been there in over 30 years . A few weeks ago I drove out to it. I parked in front of the lot, there was the pine tree my parents brought from Alabama and planted when I was small, but the house was gone. The fears I had about seeing it , gone. It was so big in my mind. Recently I revisited my old church. Something I never thought I would do. Again it was so big in my head and yet I walked through the front door even though it felt creepy. I faced my fears and faced the truth; I have been listening to the lies of the enemy. I've had to share some truths with loved ones that deeply hurt both parties. The truth is that sometimes the truth hurts. It can cause you to be catapulted into new horizons , or if you choose so, it ca...

Happy Meals

Today a friend e-mailed me to tell me how her daughter ask her little brother if he was saved. She offers to help him to accept Christ with the promise that there will be Happy Meals in heaven. He eagerly accepts her invitation and she proceeds to tell him about Jesus and leads him to the Lord . Personally, I think all meals in heaven will be happy. Good job Ashton!

Crepe Myrtle

What a strange month this has been. I feel a bit like a yo-yo with the emotions. I choose to have a good attitude. I choose life !!! When I got home from church tonight I thought, I need to water my crepe myrtle. I planted her last year as a start in the beatification of my back yard garden. I was surprised at it's somewhat wilted condition. We have had so much rain to the point that the ground was saturated and then after just a few days of heat it is suffering. As I watered her I thought about how I do that sometimes. I'll soak in the presence of God and just get saturated, New life , new confidence begins to bud and then I'll get out of the rain and allow the troubles of this world bring heat and before you know it I begin to wither. How silly of me, thank you Lord for grace and mercy. I have another tree in the back yard. When I moved in it was in early February and so there were no leaves and quite honestly the tree looked dead. Someone had drilled holes in it ...
I'm at work. This morning I wore my flip-flops. I guess when I was at home a clump of hair came out of my comb and it must have fallen into my shoe. I looked down at my foot a minute ago and it looked like the foot of Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings). It made me laugh out loud. I wonder why it is that when there is an extra roll of coins on hand that there is someone that just has to open it, whether it's needed or not. For some it is like an itch, they just have to. It's like when your almost out of milk and you buy another gallon, but someone had to open the new one before finishing off the old one. highly irritates me. Okay, enough complaining. My birthday was a great day. I'm so thankful for the friends God has placed in my life. Even my sweet daughter-n-law called me. I'm so blessed.


Today is my birthday. My flesh is 47 years old. I was born again in 1994 so I'll claim 13 as my age. Thirteen is such a milestone. It is a time of change. Lord, I hope I don't have raging hormones or radical mood swings (hee-hee). I'm very young at heart and I could be the mascot for Toys'R'Us. I don't want to grow up. In fact God instructs us to be childlike. I'm not quite ready to give up my crush on Captian Jack Sparrow. Seriously though, it is also a time of maturity and putting away some of those childish things. When my son turned 13 it was an amazing transformation and it was immediate. The night before his birthday I tucked in a 12 year old that spoke so kind to me and he woke up on his birthday with a mouth...There would be no more Ninja Turtle bedspreads or tighty whities. No. No. He was now a man who would only wear boxers and jeans from American Eagle and black chucks for his feet. I believe I woke up with a mouth too. I proclaim the goodness...

July 4th

Today is the 4th of July. Independence Day. In KIDS Church Sunday we sang a song called "I Am Free". I am free to dance, I am free to run, I am free to live for You my King, I am free. Today was a great day, I spent a large part of it with my B.F.F. and we went shopping, one of my favorite things to do. It seems like everyone freaked out because the 4th was on a Wednesday this year. Was this the only time it has ever been on a Wednesday? NO... They were talking about it on the radio, the T.V and a lot of stores closed at 6:00P.M. They don't even close that early on Christmas Eve. I think they just felt cheated because it wasn't a three day weekend. Not me, I'll take it anytime. This week I has a CD that I use in KIDS Church go missing, it is one that cannot be replaced and has songs and puppet skits to coordinate with the cirricumlum. I was saddened. I looked everywhere, my house (3 times), my car (twice), the classroom. I had friends looking for ...